need to see pics of scale hydros turn fins.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Ok I'm going to make a new turn fin on my 1/12 oberto hydro. wanted to make the ones that are on the scale&real hydros. I'm having proublems in one turn at times and my boat will stuff/nose dive on me. If you have pic of them and also the real hydros turn fin it would be greatly be very help full to me. :) Oh are they set the same angle as the sponsons sides are or they strait?
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Here is one that Ron Brown, former team manager of the real boat, made me for Christamas a few years back. Worked well on my 1994 Miss Budweiser


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Thanks thats better!! Ok what angle is the turn fin set at?? as it looks from the pic its on the same angle as the sponsons sides are? Oh I did make two of them looks close to your. like the groved ends on it.