Need Suggestions to help the Winston Lobster perform


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Well, I am working on the Winston Eagle Lobster right now adding it to my laser cut kit list. I have the center tub done, but now I want to tackle the sponson design. I have heard this boat had a lot of problems in the full size, and maybe in RC scale. What should be done to the sponsons as far as angle of attack, what should be done with the ride pad dihedral/ andehedral, and should the skid fin location be altered? Also, with the wing that holds the sponsons to the center tub: Should that angle be changed from original form. I have honestly been looking over rigger designs and thinking to myself this boat could be adjusted to act more like a rigger. Possibly using no dihedral in the ride pads might be a plus as it seems hardly any riggers use dihedral??? What is a normal CoG % on riggers? Well, I think you get the jest of what I am trying to do with this boat! Any help would be awesome. Thanks, Mike
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On the full size lobster boat - I read a driver interview on the boat - he said that it gave a very rough ride, not enough air under it. (likely due to the reduced lifting area of the boat's "center section" compared to a more conventional unlimited). But the physics of full size boats are different than 1/8 scale.
Yeah, that is why I wonder if redoing the sponson bottoms to act more like a rigger might help it respond like one. Just not sure! Mike
On the full size lobster boat - I read a driver interview on the boat - he said that it gave a very rough ride, not enough air under it. (likely due to the reduced lifting area of the boat's "center section" compared to a more conventional unlimited). But the physics of full size boats are different than 1/8 scale.
Dont worry about lift, it has enoungh to blow off easily. Due to poor balance point, not much up front on that hull.
On the full size lobster boat - I read a driver interview on the boat - he said that it gave a very rough ride, not enough air under it. (likely due to the reduced lifting area of the boat's "center section" compared to a more conventional unlimited). But the physics of full size boats are different than 1/8 scale.
Dont worry about lift, it has enoungh to blow off easily. Due to poor balance point, not much up front on that hull.
Phils Lobsta dominated for several seasons around here.Many were glad to see it go
On the full size lobster boat - I read a driver interview on the boat - he said that it gave a very rough ride, not enough air under it. (likely due to the reduced lifting area of the boat's "center section" compared to a more conventional unlimited). But the physics of full size boats are different than 1/8 scale.
Dont worry about lift, it has enoungh to blow off easily. Due to poor balance point, not much up front on that hull.
Phils Lobsta dominated for several seasons around here.Many were glad to see it go
Mikey, I just built one and threw everything to make it rtr on the scale and it came out 11 1/2 lbs. Maybe I should see what it does with a new 67 in it. :D
I'm just curious, for IMPBA 1/8 scale, are the Circus Circus Canard hulls allowed? (Not that I would want to run one, I'm just asking...) I recall scale canards doing quite well 20 years ago, they would get in lane one, and stay there, and typically win. But canards were not all that exciting to watch, as they looked to drive like a car, more or less.
"........for IMPBA 1/8 scale, are the Circus Circus Canard hulls allowed? (Not that I would want to run one, I'm just asking...) I recall scale canards doing quite well 20 years ago......"

Hey Dave,

Yes it would still be a legal hull. As you said - they were popular years ago. Last one I saw belinged to Dan Ast in So. Cal. - - Larry Maglinger campaigned one successfully on the East coast. Like the Winston Lobster, it's a "one of" hull so it has no diversity. I personally prefer the diversity of many different hulls. Bill Fritz had the hull in epoxy glass, but I haven't see one in quite a few years. There were pics of posted on IW a while back - unfinished. Guess it's about time we start seeing a few Lobster and Circus canards around again. CHEERS !!! Bob

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