Need Pics of 89 Winston (White)


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Anyone have any pics of the white Winston from 89? Best I can tell it only ran at Houston and maybe one more race before they went to day glo. I need an overhead if possible. I've got all angles almost from video from Houston. Trying to determine if there was a U10 on and where. From the video it looks as if there may not have been one although I can't see on top of the wing.
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I can't find my pictures but I am sure it had a large U-10 on the wing. The main of the wing was maroon and the U-10 was gold. I had a copy of their press kit which has a picutre of the boat on tilt, on the trailer. Unfortunately, I must have given the press kit away because I can't find it any more. Y0u also might check with Geoff Amos who used to run the boat in RCU.

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Nevermind I got a pic of the one on the Red 89 Winston and it's the same style of lettering and it is on the bottom side of the wing.