need help with engine choice


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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005
I was wondering if the OPS engines in gerneral are competive in the racing scene. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, there are several schools of thought on "being competitive". On the one hand, if your looking for and engine the will be faster or as fast as your competition, OPS is not it. I have run OPS for years and there are others that are alot faster then me. I run them because I know them and can finish races. Thats the other school of thought, you can not win if you do not finish the race. My advice to you is to run what your friends are running so you can share information about set up. It also comes in handy to know that if you need a part at the race site, one of your buds might have it, if you have the same engine. OPS engines are also less expensive then other engines. I have friends that run CMB at $500.00 a pop. If you have the cash, I think CMB is one of the fastest most competitive engines on the market. OPS is a good consistant engine that will not break the bank. But it will not be the fastest.

I was wondering if the OPS engines in gerneral are competive in the racing scene. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What class boat and where is this racing scene is located?

The ops 45 can be very fast motor

The 67 is a smooth motor and can be a fast motor.
If you can find an OPS 45 (disc) in good cond. and hook it up with an OPS .67 pipe, you can race with anything. Parts are cheap and easy to find. Don
I would be racing in the Chicago area. I was interested in the sport 40 class and a little down the road I would like to get a scale boat. Phil if there is a way to make these size engines run faster I would be very appreciative of any help you could offer.


I currently run a AC hull sport 40 in district 4. It has a stock OPS 45 with an OPS 67 tuned pipe. If you are familure with D-4, you know Phil, Brian Stiglets, Grim, or Ken Stang. I have run against them and have seen my boat run up front with them. The main focus with an OPS is to get the setup right. I run a X450 2 blade with the strut at 11/16" below the bottom of the hull.

I also run the OPS 21 rear exhaust motors in 20 mono with good sucess and completed a 1/8th scale with an OPS 67 that I am currently getting dialed in.
Thanks for all the input. The 2 reasons why I am leaning towards OPS are cost of the motor and parts availability. These responses are encouraging. Jeff