get paint striper for fiberglass so it wont hurt the epoxy coat on the hull.If it is a wooden hull I would try some paint and varnish remover to soften the paint or and then carefully scrape it off with a putty knife and then let it dry real well and sand it down.If it is a plastic or abs cowl then you need to sand from the beginning.
Sand paper all the way.what is best way to strip paint off sgx..any help is very greatfull
it depends on how much paint is on it.. ive been pretty thick on some of these boats that addess weight.ww29 your lucky i didnt have the money or otherwise id wouldve snaged that rigger. been wanting one for along time.Sand paper all the way.what is best way to strip paint off sgx..any help is very greatfull
booooooo on FE..wouldve keeped it nitro..lolmisshydro i going to convert to fe
I go sandpaper all the way.thats funny :lol:
heres a another trick,razor blade it.I go sandpaper all the way.thats funny :lol:
It's even better if you have a dad that volunteers to do it.
Thanks dad I know your reading this. :lol:
Go with Aircraft stripper from your local auto parts store, it will soften almost any paint, strip off with a plastic puttyheres a another trick,razor blade it.I go sandpaper all the way.thats funny :lol:
It's even better if you have a dad that volunteers to do it.
Thanks dad I know your reading this. :lol:
not good it will stip off the epoxy coat=can make the wood pop apart where its glued at. If you use striper on it use the one made for fiberglass. There a rattle can version of it.. or use razor blade or get the sander out and sand it down with 180 or 220.
WOW THATS ALOT OF PAINT=WEIGHT TOO!!!the rigger was painted 2 times without being sanded down
proubley got 1/32 - 1/16 of paint in it.i know that why i want to get all the paint off