Namba rule change ballot


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It will elimanate figure 2 and table 1 in the original rule. There is a misprint on the section numbers. It says "The following proposals relate to Section 20 which deals with Sport

Hydroplane racing rules:" before the 2 rule changes. There is no rule Section 27.B.4 or 11. Those section numbers should be 20 instead of 27. Check it out at this link.

Am I missing something on the ballot for Proposal#9, seems to be no change, also listed as Section 27.B.11 :unsure: :unsure:


The change in proposal number nine if passed is that it eliminates the measurement of the depth of the belly pan at the point of the rear of the front sponsons for sport hulls.

This also means that Figure E will not be necessary as it will not apply and the Depth E column in Table 1 will also not be needed.

Proposals have to be written in rule book form so that is why it looked like no change to you. However, this proposal is a big change. Just check around with other sport boaters

We made a typo on the 27. It should have been printed as going in section 20 for sport hulls and we do apologize.

This proposal came from District 8. Eric Bourlet, the NAMBA Sport Chairman spent a lot of time researching before creating this proposal. Lohring Miller, District 8 Director wrote a very good article on page 27 of the Propwash about the proposals that you are voting on.

If you have any questions, please feel free to notify Cathie Galbraith, the Executive Secretary and myself. We want to make sure that you are informed. Not all the time do we catch postings on the IW.

Thanks, Al Waters
Hey, as long as your asking about the ballot, what's the deal with the sour grapes, i should get 4th place points if someone takes me out? This doesn't happen any where else in racing. Spoiled baby boomers will riun this country!

Am I missing something on the ballot for Proposal#9, seems to be no change, also listed as Section 27.B.11 :unsure: :unsure:


The change in proposal number nine if passed is that it eliminates the measurement of the depth of the belly pan at the point of the rear of the front sponsons for sport hulls.

This also means that Figure E will not be necessary as it will not apply and the Depth E column in Table 1 will also not be needed.

Proposals have to be written in rule book form so that is why it looked like no change to you. However, this proposal is a big change. Just check around with other sport boaters

We made a typo on the 27. It should have been printed as going in section 20 for sport hulls and we do apologize.

This proposal came from District 8. Eric Bourlet, the NAMBA Sport Chairman spent a lot of time researching before creating this proposal. Lohring Miller, District 8 Director wrote a very good article on page 27 of the Propwash about the proposals that you are voting on.

If you have any questions, please feel free to notify Cathie Galbraith, the Executive Secretary and myself. We want to make sure that you are informed. Not all the time do we catch postings on the IW.

Thanks, Al Waters
Thanks, Mike and Al. Ray
Al, Any idea when this proposal will be mailed out?
I think I read it needs to be submitted by the 22nd of December, correct?



You should have already received your Propwash. I did get an e-mail from Ellie Watts that she had not received hers but was going to run some copies for club members. This is hard to figure. Different parts of the country like Texas, Washington, and the New England states have received theirs but not other areas. We send bulk mail. Even areas in the same county as I received theirs a week after me.

You can read the latest Propwash on the NAMBA web site and in color. The proposals are available their also. You can vote by mail, fax, or e-mail.

December is correct for the deadline.

Thanks, Al Waters
Hey, as long as your asking about the ballot, what's the deal with the sour grapes, i should get 4th place points if someone takes me out? This doesn't happen any where else in racing. Spoiled baby boomers will riun this country!

I am not sure what sour grapes or baby boomers has to do with this proposal, but I can tell you that this rule has been used in the Pacific Northwest by two different model boating organizations for more than the 20 years I have been model boating.

District 8 and District 19 have been using this same rule in their districts for a number of years now also. So it does happen elsewhere in racing and has been tested for many years.

We followed what the outcome could have been in a number of heat races at the NAMBA Nitro and Gas Nationals in San Jose this year with four boat up to eight boat heats. The boaters would have liked to use this rule if it would have been in effect at the time. That is why it is now up for a vote.

At one time or another, we have all not finished a heat because we held our line and were taken out by another boat. This has been the agreed upon compensation rather than a DNF and 25 or zero points.

Thanks, Al Waters
Al did a great job of explaining the rule change proposals. Please vote YES on the Sport hydro rule change and the 4th place points rules. We have run that system in district 8 and it has worked well. I never understood why if a boat causes you to go dead they get the same points as you do after they are disqualified, the 4th place points rule fixes that. The Sport hydro change will fix a situation that was allowed to go for years before it was pointed out just before this past NAMBA Nationals. Before I was even asked to be the class chairman boats that did not meet this rule have been allowed to run until this year when it was forced by a member that pointed it out and wanted it enforced as it should have been all along. We were able to come up with a way to make the boats meet the letter of the rule but did require people to glue a block on the bottom of their boat that didn't do anything to the ride but made it a pain to deal with. Without this change just about every fiberglass Sport 40II is not legal without modifying the hull. This change would also allow the new .18 hulls to run in the Sport .21 class with just a strut location change that should help expand the boat choices in that class and get more people interested. I have written several articles in the Propwash asking for help and talked to everyone running the Sport classes at the Nationals. I got support on the rewrite before I submitted the change for a vote. Now it's up to all you sport hydro racers to help me out and get your votes in so we will not have to go through this again at the next NAMBA Nationals.

Please remember to VOTE!

Eric Bourlet

NAMBA Sport Hydro Chairman
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