My thoughts on the Blackbird 21 Outrigger......


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Speed Jr.

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
Well today I finally hit the pond with my Blackbird 21 that Don F. did the build up on a few years ago. I put in a brand new Novarossi 5 port (the $215 cheapo engine). So, how did my day go? Well, I can honeslty say that I have never ever had a better first day with any boat I have ever owned. I want to start by saying that I have always thought that the Blackbird is the best prebuilt boat money can buy, but after driving one I am positive of it. Set to all stock specs with a back cut 1450, pipe long at 3.5" and 60% fuel. I put 6 tanks of fuel through the engine and boy, I couldnt be happier. The new nova has all the signs of a winner and the boat had no bad habits whatsoever. This is the best turning boat I have ever owned X 10. So, just wanted to thank Chris Wood for designing and building an amazing boat and Don for doing an awesome build/paint. I give two thumbs up on the boat and the new nova. I would also like to thank Ron Zaker Jr. for coming out to the pond this morning to help out. Truth be told, the boat didnt need his magic ;) So for anyone considering a new 20 rigger, I would strongly recommend the Blackbird 21. It drives like a dream. Even Ron said at the pond, that its worth every penny. So thanks again to Chris Wood, Don F., and Zaker Jr. I just hope nobody from district 4 goes out and buys a Blackbird, cause I surely do not want to race against em' :D

Larry Gempp Jr.

First pic is with my father and his new "Dollar Bills" 1/8 scale.
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thanks for the kind words.. sure is nice when people are happy with a product that i put my time into.. and i am glad z put his stamp on it also.

and glad it turns well.. ALOT and i mean ALOT of time went into turn fin testing..

any questions or what not give me a buzz.

Nice to know Ida is ready for us, hope to see you all there sooner than later.

Nice to know Ida is ready for us, hope to see you all there sooner than later.
too late larry jr. i bought one along with a few others in our , you are in for it now.. :D i just need to get mine done so i can run it..

Glad you're happy with that Blackbird LJ, it is a really nice boat & Chris should be proud of having such a top notch kit. BTW- that build thread was actually last winter ('07) and I sold it when I got my first 45 'Shooter from Tim Kish (that you now also own) and started running D hydro again this past mid summer. I only let it go because it got to be too much to run 5 classes (B, D, F hydro, Scale & Thunderboat) and it drew the "short straw" when I decided to go back to 4. You got a good boat there, hope it brings ya lots of top finishes. B)

Congratulations on you're successful outing! I hope to have mine in the water very soon!... If the weather ever warms up and the wind dies down. :lol: I'll be racing mine at Milan, and Mendota.
For now, the pond is in perfect condition. The test will be in the next few months to see if the weeds make there way back. Lake Ida is an ideal site for testing when its clear of weeds and cat tails. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Larry Jr.
For now, the pond is in perfect condition. The test will be in the next few months to see if the weeds make there way back. Lake Ida is an ideal site for testing when its clear of weeds and cat tails. Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Larry Jr.

Hope that you get some time on your new boat before the race in Hammond. I suspect that you will do the same thing that you did the last time you raced Ron Zaker, Jr and Me. Kick our butts..... :) Yes, I still remember :wub:
For now, the pond is in perfect condition. The test will be in the next few months to see if the weeds make there way back. Lake Ida is an ideal site for testing when its clear of weeds and cat tails. Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Larry Jr.

Hope that you get some time on your new boat before the race in Hammond. I suspect that you will do the same thing that you did the last time you raced Ron Zaker, Jr and Me. Kick our butts..... :) Yes, I still remember :wub:

Ahh, stop being so modest Marty! We both know that if you didnt hit that entrance bouy on the back strait you would have squeeked by me around 4, 5 and 6. Those were the funnest 5 laps I have ever raced in, I thank you for that! Are you going to Hobart?

Larry Jr.
For now, the pond is in perfect condition. The test will be in the next few months to see if the weeds make there way back. Lake Ida is an ideal site for testing when its clear of weeds and cat tails. Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Larry Jr.

Hope that you get some time on your new boat before the race in Hammond. I suspect that you will do the same thing that you did the last time you raced Ron Zaker, Jr and Me. Kick our butts..... :) Yes, I still remember :wub:

Ahh, stop being so modest Marty! We both know that if you didnt hit that entrance bouy on the back strait you would have squeeked by me around 4, 5 and 6. Those were the funnest 5 laps I have ever raced in, I thank you for that! Are you going to Hobart?

Larry Jr.

NO EXCUSES, you beat both Ron Jr and I in that runoff.

Yes, at this point I am going to Hobart. I have entered.