My owm conrod exr67


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New Member
Aug 1, 2005
Good morning!

I'm trying to do my own rod and my first try out as been unsuccesfull because the crank bushing as turn inside the rod. It as block the lubrification and you all know the end of the story. Good thing, I stopped before a total blowout!!! :D

I set up the bushing with a pressfit of .0015'' and I put green locktite.

I need suggestions or better way to do, please.

More press fit. Heat the rod, freeze the bushing. Try .003 - .005 press. The airconditioner refill you can get from an automotive store works better than the fridge. You can actually pour the stuff in a cup and dip the bushing. Use rubber gloves or FREEZE BURN!! be quick about pressing the bushing before heat transfer or the bushing will seize before it's in place. You will have only seconds!

We do heat and freeze at work and we use liquid nitrogen i belive that it starts to boil at a -300 degrees and then we dip the parts in till it quits bubbling. I don't know if you have acces to liquid nitrogen, but it cools stuff. No pun intended.