my new shovel nose hydro


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thomas erb

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
Just picked this up as a project came with a ops 67 I'm hoping to bring it back to life for a fun boat to drive any tips or tricks for set up's with these boats ?

Hey Thomas,

What is the length and tunnel width of your hull (distance between the sponson on the bottom). Is it a fiberglass or wood hull?? I initially though it was an old George Muller Big Hoss, but it is not. Shoot us a couple pics of the bottom of the hull so we can see what is there. The top of hull is mostly along for the ride. The hull bottom is what counts.

Here are a couple pics of an old Hos hull. CHEERS !!! Bob
Hey Thomas,

They are Old School, but were a heck o a lot of fun to run. Never quite sure whether you had it, or IT had you !!!

We used to run the Big Hoss hulls with OPS 60s running solid shafts in ball bearings with ether struts or webbed in shafts at about 7 degrees in the early 70s. Do yourself a favor and remove the turn fin that's on it - try one of Dick Tyndall's turn fins mounted to the rear sponson plate. Looks like the nose was stuck into the lake bank at least once based on pics. We ran Octura 1465 props, Missile Mist fuel, Kraft radios with servos that had little or no power by today's standards.

Your hull looks like it may be a splash of the Big Hoss, Deck appears to have more crown and the deck edges are much more rounded. Bottom appears Big Hoss. Here's a pic of a Big Hoss at full song - early 70s - I believe it had a Rossi in it.

Pic of bottom showing the strut we ran, stuffing tube through the hull was a couple thicknesses of brass tubing with about 4 ball bearings spaced with aluminum tubing within stuffing tube to keep them in position. Octura 6mm Universal and drive dog, H-24, 3/16" X 24" shafts came from Dumas - Drive shaft for Drag n Fly 60 - you can get a hardened 25" shaft from Gary Jensen Metal Concepts. Inc. [email protected] (425) 821-9263. Gary also has struts, 9" stuffing boxes, needle bearings also. Seems to me the 7 degree Alum. struts and motor mounts we used then came from Marine Specialties back then - Gary's stuff is much better quality.

They ran high and dry, in a nice three point stance. Almost wish I still had mine, but I have a WOF Classic Thunderboat that fills that void. You'll have a ball with it. CHEERS !!! Bob
Thanks for all the info bob I hope that I get this project rolling soon starting with a fresh paint job lol what kinda speeds should I exspect out of it ?

You are more than welcome.

All of the Big Hoss hulls were metal flake deck with white Gelcoat bottoms. This hull does not appear to be one, the sponson ride plates are more narrow than the ones Don changed the original Hoss to. This one appears to be somewhere in between and has a shear on the port sponson that the Hoss series didn't have. If you repaint it, grind down whatever is there, keep the sponson edges sharp, and try not to add weight by loading on the paint.

The Big Hoss hulls raced in the 60 mph range. There was another hull that developed from the Big Hoss. Don called it "Thunderboat". There were two versions, and tons of them in Miami in the mid 70s. On the later version,the deck was changed to a multiple step looking deal, and a smaller partial cowl molded into the deck, with a different engine cowl replaced the old one piece front cowl.

CHEERS !!! Bob
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You know under the white paint that is on it is a red metal flake paint under it that makes me think a little bit
Could well be Thomas.

The original Hoss hulls (20, 40, and 60 size) had very narrow sponson ride plates on them so had no sponson area and would not get up on plane. Don Pinckert added material - foam and ply to give the hulls a sponson with the needed sponson area, George Muller changed the molds and we now had a very fun to run hull. The original Hoss hulls had about 3/8" thick hardwood (not ply) engine rails, and a thick, about 3/8" firewall that seperated and sealed the forward and rear sections. We didn't have Pool Noodles back then, so we ran them without flotation and held the rear cowl/radio box lid in place with a whole bunch of 4-40 screws through deck into blind nuts, using foam wing saddle foam to seal the hatch.

My first boat was a Little Hoss 40, K&B 40 dykes ringed engine, Kraft 3 channel radio which ran KPS 11 servos, a Stinger rudder and prop - for that was the only available Hardware back then. I bought this boat while home in Miami on leave in 1970. There were tons of the Li'l Hoss hulls around also - all running K&B 40 side exhaust engines. I remember this as the most fun I ever had racing boats because of the parity between so many hulls. Pic attached.

Most of the Big Hoss boats were running Super Tiger G65 - - this was prior to the OPS 60 car engine becoming available. CHEERS !!! Bob
We had a 40 size one and it was gold metel flake..It was a real fun boat to run.. I belive marine specitalys make hard ware for them at the time..We were always braking rudders...Make out of pot metel..LOL.
Hey Roy,

I keep the Stinger rudder assembly to show he new boaters what used to be when they start griping about Speedmaster stuff. You are absolutely correct - the Marine Specialties stuff came along after the Stinger hardware.It looked great on the outside - Porous pot aluminum inside. The Gardner and Speedmaster hardware was a quantum improvement.

Have you run your Miss Pepsi yet??? CHEERS !!! Bob
No Bob not yet ..It been a wall plack since the paint dryed. :wub: .It ready to go just needs a charged up batt in the radio box..Been working on props for it and trying to work up to make some more parts to finish some more detail on it..Still need one more inspection plate to be made.. But I do know that it floats . :D Took it to the pond and put in the water. :D .Hopfully I get to do some running this year. First part of this year I went to Maine for the spring then to Tn, Got back home in Sept.
It look like Marine specialites copied the stinger rudder..I think I still have the motor mount.. LOL It was 5 in wide ann about 1 1/2 in hi and about 4 in long ,also made of pot metal..Lost a lot of my hearing due to noise from the boat and no pipes or mufflers just a header..
Hey Roy,

We'll all look forward to seeing pics of Miss Pepsi again.

Huh - - What you say, Roy??? Har, Har !!! I never ran any megaphone exhaust, but we did run mini pipes/open exhaust for many years on boats, and before that - Control line airplanes. I figure 24 years of 4500 pound air and reduced on submarines took care of most of my hearing, or lack there of.

I spent some time in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, NH a few years back. The island was only accesible from Kittery, Maine. This olde Florida boy couldn't figure out what the open areas of perimeter Armco barriers were with signs marked "Maintain this area clear Sept - May. We found out about 15 Dec when this motorized snow blower started moving snow and chuting it into dump trucks driving along side. Had never seen anything like that, and have made the point to not see it since. Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
Just got the boat painted more pics to come I went with the new camaro green really nice color will look good with the picco 90 sitting in it ;)
Looks good Thomas. Consider a brighly colored cowl/graphics, green boats disappear when they go DIW in the middle of a lake. Did you decide to go with the hardware set up that was on it when you got it?? Big round nose hulls of that vintage are a BLAST to drive. You'll have a good time - keep your eyes on it - everything happens fast.

MERRY Christmas, Bob
Ya the hardware was still in good shape so I'm going to run im going to polish everything real nice and you to bob have a good christmas

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