My latest toy


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well how'd it run??
It reminded me a little of your boat. Not as fast (YET) but it seems to want to ride on the back pads. I have a 20 second video of it and it looks like the front sponsons nearly ride out of the water the last half of the straight then through the turn it seems to prop hop for lack of a better word. It's not bad, it turns on a rail but you can hear the RPMs go up and down as the prop bounces in and out of the water. Ken's Budweiser is nearly the same boat but I don't remember his boat riding on the prop as hard as this one.
Dont worry,

WE got some time and some propwork to do, as well as a little set up work, but she will be ready for the 07 season. Ken
Awesome looking , hope it runs as good as it looks

Good Luck
Sounds like your boat is tail heavy. Balance it at the sponson transoms and set a scale under the prop. If you're over 1.75 pounds, you need to do some rebalancing.
Sounds like your boat is tail heavy. Balance it at the sponson transoms and set a scale under the prop. If you're over 1.75 pounds, you need to do some rebalancing.
The CG is a little farther back than I'd like but the motor is already as far forward as it can go and I've got a really big battery in the radio box that is in the nose. The fuel cell is nearly on the CG so the only option I see is lead in the nose and I'm not ready for that yet. I'm going to try a few prop options and strut angles first. I've been thinking about your strut weight theory and to me the weight would only be a result of CG. I understand you want to know how much the strut is pushing down but even that is constantly changing as the boat accelerates and decelerates among other things. I'm no physics guy but when we raced big cars it was all about CG and that the CG was always in motion. With my simple mind I look at it this way: If you haing a pendulem in a car and theorize that the car will be fastest when the CG affected by the pendulem stays near the center of the car. You change "weight" to each wheel (or strut in our case) to affect the CG to make the car handle better in a problem area like turns where the CG is very near the right front. Then you throw in all the other water related variables.......whell you could go on for days. I just do this; set the CG in the middle of the strut in the center of the hull and keep everything as low and as close to that point as possible (object in motion stays in motion) then make adjustments on the water where you can see the effect of all those variables.