Yup John, as a kid in Miami I lived about 6-7 miles (as the crow flies) from Pelican Harbor Yacht Club. We could hear the stackers running at that distance, even including 1 mile of that distance inland! On our bikes or in our runabouts, we would haul butt to watch! A well tuned 2 stroke stretched out under a load is a beautiful sound to me, but stackers, with their straight bell megaphones had a surreal howling moan to 'em that was unique to ONLY stackers. Saab's, unfortunately had only a sick sounding blaaaattt to go with the clouds of 16:1 (crude) 2 stroke oil available back then. Now this OMC powered Volvo, with a modern powerplant, I assume digital ignition & possibly efi should be a tick better than the old Saab's - LOL!!