Mutt II


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Mark Stein

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2003
Looking for options to keep this boat on the water over 60mph. Seems to run very well and no tendency to blow off on rough water . on smooth water it is tending to kite. Im not running heat races

just record trials. Have tried air dams in the trap, on top of the nose, and added weight . strut angle/depth. Looking to see of there is something I have left on the table I should be looking at.

This is a wood center section boat w/ glass canoes


mark have you tried air traps at the very back of the boat and running them all the way forward to keep the back end up?

not sure if that is legal for sport 40 or not

Why don't you ask the designer of the boat, Mark Anderson, he is on here. look in the member section and send him a pm.
Is the boat balanced properly? Pretty sure its in the instruction booklet as to where the balance point should be..... Mine maybe close to 60 mph and when it flies, it flies level.....amazing really.....
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Where does your boat balance? Smooth water is the worst for blowing over, in rough water the boat will dump air. What prop are you running. What turn fin. Tell me about the whole set up.The boat is capable of heat racing in the mid 60s. It is not a boat that you can just throw the throttle up and steer it. You have to drive it, but they do give alot of warning before they go over.

THanks for the replies,

Chris yes the boat has the traps to 5 inches from the transom

Rick THanks I had a plan to discuss this with Mark again, he knows this boat personally since it was his record holder

Rob - THe balance point was correct before I started adding weight

Mark - Balance point was ok before weights were added weights to the sponsons. Running a speedmaster mini rudder and a turn fin a friend did for me, 1455 MA prop. I know the setup is close. its getting that last 5% that cost 90%.
My first question would be why change the hardware and set up one of the quickest and fastest sport boats in the country? That boat holds the NAMBA straight away and two lap records and no one has yet run faster than my six lap mile time. I think its sister still holds the IMPBA SAW record. It consistantly circle raced in the mid 60s with a stock Picco.

First thing loose the fin and get one from Mike Hughes. Next loose the rudder and get the original back on it. The little rudder gives up it the corner and will not hold on. The rudders that I use are copies of the Gardner XXL. I think Lenny at rum racing can supply Gardner parts. Remove any additional added weight. Set the strut so when on a flat table the front steps just touch the table when setting on the strut.
