Mutt II sport 40 turn fin strut and attachment


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Mark Stein

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2003
Looking to do something different for attaching the turn fin strut rod to the inside of the hull. what are you using to seal the rod where it goes thru the outside of the hull


Hey Mark,

I only have these two pics of a MUTT II turn fin braces.

I use a bracket that is the full width of the turn fin attachment area, with a larger three bolt pad on the sponson rear plate to support the turn fin. I have not seen the need for a 'turn fin strut rod'.

CHEERS !!! Bob
Here's what Greg Hahn did on his 1/8 scale.
If properly set, that kind of brace takes some of the cornering stress off the sponson transom. It can also be used to adjust the angle of the fin but, at the same time, using it to pull the fin inward can put a considerable stress load on the transom and nontrip that can damage the boat over a period of time
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Thanks for the info. I forgot to say this is a glass version. I am normally the type toover -think/ over-engineer / over-build things. I started thinking what is the best way to mount the turn fin strut to the inner and outer hull panels? Would it help? I like the idea to add a little rigidity

There is a strut on my other Mutt II but its a wood /glass version. So I started mulling over different ways to attach the strut to the hull

I know there is a lot of side load on fin so the turn fin mount on my other boat is much thicker than the stock mount. the new boats turn fin mount will be the same.

I just like the strut for making those final little tweeks when needed. I want to avoid loading the hull with forces that will cause problems.

Thanks again

Hey Mark,

I build Wood Over Foam hulls (WOF). For years I have used 3/8" X 3/4" oak stock that ties into the tub rails, extends across the hull bottom through a 3/8" X 3/4" slot cut into the tub Styrofoam and extends across the rear sponson plate to support the turn fin bracket. I even add additional oak piece to ensure the bracket is supported. How's that for over engineering?? My Father started this with his TOP GUN 1 design, in about 1985 or so, I really liked it and use it on everything I design and build to this day. Hence the reasons I'm not too concerned about my turn fins being supported.

I have seen so many turn fin brackets over the years where the pad that mounts to the rear of the sponson is maybe 5/8" wide with two screws directly in line ar what holds the turn fin in position on a 14 pound Scale boat at 60 mph. This type mount would really benefit from a support bar attached to the afterplane in my opinion. A hydroplane with a loose or poorly mountd turn fin that can move will make you crazy trying to find what's wrong. CHEERS !!! Bob
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I do have some thoughts drawn out for what I would like to build in my own hull. Mostly a pipe dream but ya never know
Thanks for the pictures. The forces produced by these boats is suprising for sure