MTO 1/8 scale hull


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Jun 14, 2005
Do anyone know this person? I sent this person a $309.99 money order for a MTO 1/8 scale hull and never did get the boat. I emailed this person but I haven't got a reply. He tried to sell the boat on EBAY a couple a times but got on buyers and made him a offer if he sold the boat to me. When I looked the person up on EBAY I found out that the person is on longer registored. I would like to get intough with this person to either get the MTO 1/8 scale hull that I paid for or get my money back. The person go by the name:

TC Hobby's

3549 Mission Ave. #C

Oceanside, CA. 92058

[email protected]
Do anyone know this person? I sent this person a $309.99 money order for a MTO 1/8 scale hull and never did get the boat. I emailed this person but I haven't got a reply. He tried to sell the boat on EBAY a couple a times but got on buyers and made him a offer if he sold the boat to me. When I looked the person up on EBAY I found out that the person is on longer registored. I would like to get intough with this person to either get the MTO 1/8 scale hull that I paid for or get my money back. The person go by the name:TC Hobby's

3549 Mission Ave. #C

Oceanside, CA. 92058

[email protected]

Found this on google when I searched the address. I am from the Bay Area and I know it is a drive, but I wouldn't rule it out to achieve a little satisfaction. :D

A Total Control Hobby's

(760) 721-1089

3549 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92058
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Hey Roger,

Try getting in contact with one of the D-19 guys coming up for the Grand Prix next week. Maybe they can get in contact with Mark and pick it up for you. He has the MTO molds so getting one shouldn't be problem.
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Hey Roger,
Try getting in contact with one of the D-19 guys coming up for the Grand Prix next week. Maybe they can get in contact with Mark and pick it up for you. He has the MTO molds so getting one shouldn't be problem.
Glenn i was told the guy who built boats for him has held them hostage till he pays for boats made and not paid for. I got this information from a good friend who knows Mark and tried to purchase the molds.............
Do anyone know this person? I sent this person a $309.99 money order for a MTO 1/8 scale hull and never did get the boat. I emailed this person but I haven't got a reply. He tried to sell the boat on EBAY a couple a times but got on buyers and made him a offer if he sold the boat to me. When I looked the person up on EBAY I found out that the person is on longer registored. I would like to get intough with this person to either get the MTO 1/8 scale hull that I paid for or get my money back. The person go by the name:TC Hobby's

3549 Mission Ave. #C

Oceanside, CA. 92058

[email protected]

Found this on google when I searched the address. I am from the Bay Area and I know it is a drive, but I wouldn't rule it out to achieve a little satisfaction.

A Total Control Hobby's

(760) 721-1089

3549 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92058
Thanks for the phone number. I will try to give him a call.
Any luck?
No luck yet, still working on it.
I also had trouble with him. Get hold of some club menbers that he run with see if they will help you out. There a lot of great guys around that will come threw for you.
he didnt show up at our first gas race of the year he signed up but no show.
I had a chance to talk to Mark on the phone today. He said he hadn't had time to ship me the boat and he will try to ship it Friday or send it to me by someone that is going to be here at the Grand Prix Classic race in Fremont this week end.