Miss Wayne U - 50 For Sale ebay


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Nice looking boat, but my question is on if it's really legal for racing in the scale class with twin engines and shafts. The propwalk alone has to be a bear to deal withnless one of the engines runs backwards
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Nice looking boat, but my question is on if it's really legal for racing in the scale class with twin engines and shafts. The propwalk alone has to be a bear to deal withnless one of the engines runs backwards
I think it would be legal because the real Miss Wayne was twin props. Way back in the day, Bill Hornell had a Miss Thriftway cabover with two K&B 7.5s and RCU ruled at that time that only models of boats with two engines could run two engines/twin drives. I believe Bill actually built a Miss Wayne. I wonder if that's Hornell's boat?

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Nice looking boat, but my question is on if it's really legal for racing in the scale class with twin engines and shafts. The propwalk alone has to be a bear to deal withnless one of the engines runs backwards
I think it would be legal because the real Miss Wayne was twin props. Way back in the day, Bill Hornell had a Miss Thriftway cabover with two K&B 7.5s and RCU ruled at that time that only models of boats with two engines could run two engines/twin drives. I believe Bill actually built a Miss Wayne. I wonder if that's Hornell's boat?

How would the handling be on a boat like that with twins Jerry ? What did Bill's run like. It sure is pretty .
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Maybe Richard can enlighten us as to the size of the engines in that boat. I would geuss .29's......Pretty sure I remember that boat at the 1985 Reno Namba nationals......Those were the days....... :lol:
I think Bill Hornell did have K&B 29s in his boat. As I recall, and after 27 years the "recall department" is definitely understaffed, the Miss Wayne with two 29s didn't run as well as the Miss Thriftway with the two 6.5s(at least I think they were 6.5s back then).

Maybe Richard can enlighten us as to the size of the engines in that boat. I would geuss .29's......Pretty sure I remember that boat at the 1985 Reno Namba nationals......Those were the days....... :lol:
Rob,Bill Hornell did build the boat........It does have [2] K&B .29's in the boat and the boat is absolutely magnificent.

Hornell was a school shop teacher and was an incredible craftsman.His shop at home looked like a sterile operating room.

The boat was bought radio and all[i believe a Kraft] by this guy from Hornell right off the concours line in Reno at the '85 Nats.

The boat is real big and very wide and runs very loose on the water.

It wasn't a bullet but it wasn't a complete turd either.If I was to guess I would say it ran in the low to mid 50's.

It definitely wasn't under powered with the [2].29's.The boat was like a big kite and wouldn't have handled any more power.

What was great about the boat is it looked very scale on the water and when the motors were right the sound was incredible.

Rod Geraghty

PS:You are right .......those were the days ;) To this day I have never seen rougher water at a Nats than we saw in Reno in '85.

After noon every day the wind blew 40-50 MPH all week long up until the final day of racing.

Dunny,You are right .....the Thriftway had 6.5's in it and it was very competitive.The boat wasn't as wide as the Miss Wayne and wasn't such a kite.

As I recall the RCU rules were written in such a way that allowed [2] 6.5s in the boat.In fact I believe Hornell could have run [2] .60's if he had wanted to becaus the original boat had [2] engines.

As I recall after RCU saw the Thriftway Too run the loophole in the rules got changed very quickly. :)
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I also remember seeing this boat at the Nats in Reno..Also the Thrifway.. Later a 67 was install in it and it looked like it had a 45 being the hull was so big..Both were grate looking boats.. The saying at the Reno Nats was if you don't like the weather wait a few min It'll change..It did got worse
I also remember seeing this boat at the Nats in Reno..Also the Thrifway.. Later a 67 was install in it and it looked like it had a 45 being the hull was so big..Both were grate looking boats.. The saying at the Reno Nats was if you don't like the weather wait a few min It'll change..It did got worse
Your right,It did get worse,and not just the weather.

We stayed in a motel in Sparks right off the end of one of the runways used by the Air National Guard.About the third night we were there they scrambled a squadron of F-15's at about 2 in the morning no more than 100' over the top of our motel.You ain't heard nothing until you have heard a F-15[X8] with the afterburners at full song right over your bed at 2 in the morning.I dam near sxxt the bed.The whole motel shook like an earthquake. :blink: :D
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Think that's bad, try sleeping right under the #3 wire on an aircraft carrier during a landing cycle. Between the slam of the tailhook into the deck, the screaming of the cables through pulleys and the roar of hydraulic fluid in the gear braking cyclinders, I didn't get any sleep for the first two nights on board. Fortunately, when we actually went out on cruise, I had been moved forward and down one deck to under the "waist cats", where all I could hear was a sssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthump. Compared to the trains going by the end of my street, the "cats" were quiet. Just glad I can ignore the trains or I would never get any sleep
Well that alot better than trying to sleep in a bunker with in coming rounds.hahahah...

I enjoyed reading your comments. We are all getting to be old salty dogs but unlike me your memory is still very crisp.

Yes. the boat is legal and I am the guy who bought the boat off the concourse line at the Reno Namba 85 nats.. I also wrote the Flying Models story on those nats.

The wind was blowing so hard we were all looking up in the sky watching those airplanes flying sideways just before landing.

That was the year that you introduced that amazing tunnel hull ( lee craft that is still competitive today )

And I do agree with our earlier phone conversation 10 yrs ago.. The Thunderboats Museum should buy the boat..

In all my years, I have never seen a nice scale .. Bill is an Amazing Builder. everything on this boat is perfect.

It does have a tiny scratch ( turn fin racing ha ha ) on the back side rear sponson.. hard to notice but showed the boat got its racing chops.

Best Wishes Rod.. you the man


PS I am currently in Thailand for 10 days.. so could not get back to the responses.. Richard denver phone 303 571 0116