Miss Elam Pics


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 22, 2005
I have just received my graphics for my new 1/8 scale Elam. One of the sponsors that I received was the Odoul's logo. I also did not get the diamond logo that goes on the vertical wing at the bottom. So I assume the Odoul's logo goes there. Does anyone have any pictures of this hull to verify? Also, what year would this have been? I have about 10 different pics of the 2001-2005 Elam and every picture has different sponsors and slightly different wing color configuration with the arrows.

Thanks for your help

The diamond shaped logo is from 5 Axis Industries. It is actually a machining business that Ellstrom owns. The are too many differences between 2001-2005 to lump them all together. The 2005 boat didn't have the Miss ELAM Plus on the sponson decks as all the others did. It also had another U-16 on top of the airscoop. O'Doul's hasn't been on the boat since 2004. The last few years Snap-On and a few others have appeared at various times. Also the APBA decal is gone after a certain point of 2004. You need to be more specific which year of boat you intend to duplicate as the decals for each are very specific. Only a few elements remained the same from the time the old boat was painted day-glo with the single canard wing to the current boat with the cockpit spar and the forward canard wing.
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I tried to email you earlier a pic of the 2004 boat. My server was doing weird stuff so I'll try again later. I have to go do a wrap repair and install on a race car today so it may be this afternoon before I get it to you. It shows the placement of the 5 Axis, Bud Unlimited Hydroplane Series, O'Doul's and Snap-On on the verts. I wish I could do the arrows for you but since the arrows are the same color as the rest of the hull it's tough because there isn't really any vinyl that matches that neon orange and it wouldn't look right. Everyone I know that has ever done that boat had the orange arrows with the dark outline painted on when they had the boat painted. If you want the other decals you are missing let me know because I have all of them.
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Thanks Mike. I sent you an email regarding the stickers that Pacific Graphics does not have for their Elam Set. I really appreciate your help and quick response. I am blown away that you would want to help a customer of someone else. Awesome. You definitely have my business in the future.

No sweat Chris. I don't do this for the money I do it because I want scale boats to look like the real boats. Sure I make a little from this but I make a lot more off doing an 8' full color printed banner or a vehicle lettering job that takes me 1/3 the time and a lot more money per job. Some of these sets take me a couple of hours to put together....others maybe a few minutes. Either way I dig being able to make the boats look as good as they can.

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