microballoons and epoxy as filler?


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Active Member
Sep 20, 2004
do you guys use microballoons and epoxy as a filler? what min epoxy do you recommend. I have found it sometimes difficult to sand, does the set time affect this? how about using the thicker CA glues as filler?
do you guys use microballoons and epoxy as a filler? what min epoxy do you recommend. I have found it sometimes difficult to sand, does the set time affect this? how about using the thicker CA glues as filler?
I have used it for small areas. Wouldn't want to really spread it on too thick. It is heavy and your right, can be difficult to sand. It is a stonger solution to body filler or glazing putty.
I've been making paste with micro baloons and epoxy for years. Seems to work great. I also wouldn't use it for large areas, but to fill small dings, as fillets, etc, it works great. If you mix the epoxy right, it cures hard and sands fine. I use 15 or 30 minute epoxy so I have enough time to mix it really well. Wear dust protection and gloves when sanding it.
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If your not concerned with the time factor, I have been using west systems epoxy with micro balloons with the best results. Be sure to use lots of micro balloons in the mix. It sands very easy and can be made very lite. I use it on the fillets on my competition control line stunters. It does take in the neighborhood of 3 hours to cure though but once dry it is very dry sanding which sometimes is the problem with 15-30 minute epoxies which ball up and clog the sanding paper while sanding.
I have been using a runny resin with micro ballon mix to put onto the hull after its sealed, then rubbing it back wet with 600 wet and dry , you end up rubbing about 90%(so it adds next to no weight) of it back off but it gives you a super smooth tough "knock resistant" finish to paint onto

the mix takes about 30 mins to set and i dont bother sanding till the next day

i add micro balloons till its the consistency of honey