Master Hull Roster - anyone know how to do Hull Depth?


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Lennard Cuenco

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
how do i determine if my build is within the MHR range on Hull Depth?

is this the thickness of the center section? where is the correct place to do this measurement?
The easiest way is to place your hull on a flat surface, clamping the rear hull bottom down, and measure from that surface to deck level at either the sponson transom or highest point of the hull, check with your club to see which one they go by. With a rounded deck, like on the older hulls, you would have to measure to the engine bay sides. On the new style turbines, since they normally have a flat deck between the canoes, you can measure your height at either the sponson inside or engine bay sides. IF you are building from Roger Newton's plans, there shouldn't be a problem unless you start making changes. One thing to consider, if you take this measurement prior to putting the bottom and deck on, be sure to add the thickness of the skin panels so your dimension will be accurate
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k its tallest portion of the hull if the boat is sitting on a flat surface?

looking at the plans (drawn by roger) the boat exceeds the max depth?

MHR 8401 (3.04-3.71") vs. 4.25"

uh..i'm lost
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Does the boat have full length air traps and, if so, did you subtract that height from the measurement?
Hey Lennard! Sounds like you may be including the sponsons. HD is measured from the base-line (the flat area around the strut from the transom forward) to the highest point in the curvature of the deck. It is easy to do on the plans though you may need to use a straight-edge & draw an imaginary line from the base-line forward to where the highest point of the deck is. While your at it, you might as well measure from the same base-line down to the bottom of the sponson transom so you will know what the true sponson depth of you boat is. Once the hull is built, these measurements are much more difficult to check. You would have to do as HJ suggested & clamp the back of the boat to a flat surface (which would have to be narrower than the air trap) and then rig up way of making measurements from that surface to the points in question. Build on!!
Larry, when I check the depth, I do it before the bottom or deck goes on. Checking before skinning lets me correct as needed without having to pull off the newly installed deck
Len we used to have a tool that we measured the depth with in D9. I forgot who built it but I had it for a while when I was Scale Chairman back in 06. I'm not sure who has it now....maybe Bill Peck. It was made from aluminum square tube. All the corners were hinged with one being completely removable. The idea being that you could slide one long side under the boat on a flat surface and it would collapse so that the bottom long and the top long would rest at the flat part of the transom at the strut and the top would rest on the top deck near the tub. Then the depth measurement was easy. I'll see if I can track down where that went.
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sounds good Mike..

when's the meeting? I heard harteau has my cowl and I want to see if he needs a boat to go along with it....haha!
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no problem bobby....let me get her started and i'll put them up

your sport 20 is very inspiring btw, keep up the good work
yeah bobby..i agree..i always miss u guys when life gets too busy fer boats...lookin forward to hangin with you again..let's see if we can find a class we can run together

thx roy...maybe you and pete can come over for dinner soon and tell me how off my hull depth (bring Norma or you aint gettin in the door btw)
Ah Roy has it! I lost track of it after I left in late 07. Len if Jeff has the cowl let's get it back up and running!
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thx mike..let's do it...

im not sure what the pond water did to the cowl, i may need another set of cowl decals, remind me to send you a photo i found with closeups of decals your missing of the fullsize
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