Mailing large boats


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
Anyone ever sent a boat from USA to St. Croix? Sending a backlash and need to know if online pricing is right large package
Anyone ever sent a boat from USA to St. Croix? Sending a backlash and need to know if online pricing is right large package
MikeDon't know about St Croix but when I have sent things out of the country the on line cost was close to the amount I was quoted.

Please see me at Atlanta as I have a Boris meter to give you for Graham.


Walt Barney

Tanks 2 U

Walt's Hobbies
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USPS shipping has always been the lowest cost & best service for me mike. But their online qoutes have always been much higher than actual cost at the counter. A whip might hurt ya on size, as the price seems to increase more with size than weight.