Mac 45/CMB 45 Vac question


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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Is the carburetor for the Mac 45 and the CMB 45 vac the same bolt pattern and interchangeable ?
Yes they are but to fit a MAC on a VAC you have to turn the shoulder down on it that goes into the drum housing. Putting a VAC carb on a MAC is a little different because there is no shoulder so you have to find an o ring that fits better than the one it comes with.
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Yes they are but to fit a MAC on a VAC you have to turn the shoulder down on it that goes into the drum housing. Putting a VAC carb on a MAC is a little different because there is no shoulder so you have to find and o ring that fits better than the one it comes with.
So it can be done just need a Oring that's it correct ?
Yes I have done it with a stock VAC carb on a MAC. It doesnt fit as well as I would like since it doesnt have a shoulder but it does work.