Lower unit Machining...


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2002
Hi All,

Just incase some of you were wanting some extra mods to your FE outboard....

I can machine out the top of your lower unit so the motor sits right down onto the plate where the nitro motor would normally bolt onto. This mod does require shorter flex shafts and I can either machine to suit a square drive collet (available from REK) or a flex hex.

To me this mod makes sense because it lowers the center of gravity up to an inch on some setups. Why have the motor sitting up so high that it can

1. Cause extra drag and lift (well down force in the rear, lift at the front) and

2. Also cause extra pitching in the turns, due to extra weight being higher up off the water.

This is only my observation and experience since I have started doing the mods a few years ago.

I can machine all the lower units out there, REK, Lawless, K&B, OS in all sizes

Cost is around $50au which includes a flex shaft

I can also supply a steering arm as seen in the attached pic for $30au


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I got Kris to do this to my E-OBT 3.5lawless leg and its fantastic.

I got him to do it to a short octura flex hex but he also can make a coupler.

great price and quality. Just wish i could keep up with his tunnels.
