Looking for pipes for my new twin VAC 91


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Albert Araujo

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
Hello Guys,

I previously posted looking for the old Rossi 80/90 pipes but would also like to add the Steve Muck 15cc pipes also. So if any of you have either of these pipes I will need a total of four piped. I am building a new twin VAC 91 Crapshooter to further intimidate and annihilate the bird boys; you know, the ones that run those birds that cant fly.

Can show any pictures of new C/S 90 twin ? Fit CMB 91 VAC to Old CS?
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Albert,it might help if you have a pic of the two pipes you are looking for...I am sure there are people that have the pipes you are looking for that do not even know they have them laying around. JMO
Here's some info. for the 15cc Steve Muck Pipe #9515....Total Length= 15 1/8", Diverging/Front Cone Length= 5 1/2", Flat Belly Length= 1", Converging/Rear Cone Length= 4 1/4" - 4 1/2", Stinger Length= 1".

Straight Pipe= 0.880" ID, Belly= 2.500" OD, Stinger= 0.450" ID.

Steve Muck 15 cc.JPG

Hope this helps!
Hello Guys,

I previously posted looking for the old Rossi 80/90 pipes but would also like to add the Steve Muck 15cc pipes also. So if any of you have either of these pipes I will need a total of four piped. I am building a new twin VAC 91 Crapshooter to further intimidate and annihilate the bird boys; you know, the ones that run those birds that cant fly.

Undoubtedly it will be a super trick build as usual !!
I know some one that has a trash bag full of Muck pipes.

But I don't think he will sell any.

You know who you are come on let some lose for Albert.
Be nice Big Chuck. I need to smoke Joe once and for all. Although I have smoked him many times before he needs to get re beat over and over again but this time with some big blocks.

"Big Bird" Flying low but flying.

It ain't BIG CHUCK I was talking about.

Wen I talk a garbage bag full I mean a garbage bag full.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not, I wish I had a bag full.

Just call Scott and have him make you some.

If thy can set the fastest 2 lap on record . Thy should be good enough to beat Joe W.
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I may have some pipes for you. I have a box full of pipes.

Do you know what the stinger I.D. Is on the Rossi 80/90 pipes?

Were they all black powder coated?

Let Me Know Please?

Mark Sholund
Albert....Have you decided were you want the motors to run....Every pipe mentioned here will have the motors run/respond differently....Beating Joe should be the last thing in your equation. Knowing you have the performance were you can use it...............

Good luck....OH Lake X is open and testing!
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Albert....Have you decided were you want the motors to run....Every pipe mentioned here will have the motors run/respond differently....Beating Joe should be the last thing in your equation. Knowing you have the performance were you can use it...............

Good luck....OH Lake X is open and testing!

Any chance you can give me a call?


BTW, beating Joe is something I've done already but was just pocking fun at him. He's always busting my chops so its all in good fun. I truly don't care about beating anyone but just running hard, turning right and having a blast.


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