Looking for pics of the 1998 Bud


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
This is the boat im after block letters. Need some good rear shots and top... Getting my Elam stripped and want to make the changes now
Hey Mike,

I'm not expertise with Bud boats, but these pics are some I had in Bud folder - just interesting pics. CHEERS !!! Bob
Those are all shots of either T-2 or T-3 taken in 1994. The Bud expert, Hgatjens would know for sure ;)
Mike , The pic you have on the first post is the T4 hull? There were two T5"s ONE with a front articulated wing and WITHOUT.
Mike,check with Phil Thomas.I believe he has photos taken when the T-5 ran in Evansville in 2000,and has the movable front canard.

Here is one i found of the 1998, there is some of the t-5 on chris denslow site under 2000. it still has the block letters, it may be the t-6 idk. it has some shots of the back. Interesting it has the tiplets on this pic but any other one i dont see them on it, did they run the T-5 with tiplets for a while till they took them off.

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Here is one from the Oberto, very similar to the Bud T-5 shown in the picture posted by Blue Blasters

Oberto Shark rudder bracket.JPG
Ok I found the pics im after Next question how many different REDS were used? Ive seen deep red and bright red. Going to do the 2002 boat as Ive got a swim deck on the boat. Im also going to redue the nose to make it more correct......paint codes anyone?
Mike,I cross referenced the paint to Dupont from the paint shown on roger Newton's drawing.

The paint is Dupont Chromabase #M2328K.The Dupont chart calls it"HYDROPLANE INC,RED.

This is the paint I used on my T-5.My boat was a slightly different color than Rayan Hobby's.The older Buds like my 68 U-12 had slightly darker color.
