Looking for photos of the 1995 U 3 Holset Turbo


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Mike Cathey

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 5, 2006
The Cooper's only ran this version of the boat on the east coast swing. This was the red and white version. However I would welcome any photos of the same boat in the same year. Thanks, Mike
The Cooper's only ran this version of the boat on the east coast swing. This was the red and white version. However I would welcome any photos of the same boat in the same year. Thanks, Mike
Mike hull 8803 ? 1991 Miss D.O.C. ?

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Hi Joe,

That's the one. It was a lot of different boats. It's funny about the color codes and stuff on the "How scale is scale thread" because I asked Ed Cooper about the paint codes at Tri-Cities a few years back and he laughed and said, "Well that just kind of depended on what paint they had in the old paint locker at the time". He only said he liked a red-red and not a red-orange on those versions of the boat.