looking for more 1964 to71 u-6 miss madison pics


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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
hi all

im looking for pics of the 1964 through to 1971 miss madison u-6 hydro

iv got some but im after more

thansk ian
Have you seen the movie Madison yet? While the Miss Lumberville was used as the Miss Madison, it gives many detail shots of the boat. You do need to be aware that the engine bay on the Madison does not have the extra area in the front as that was for a modified engine fitted into the boat during it's racing days. The real Miss Madison was also in the movie as the damaged boat being brought back from Seattle and being rebuilt at the Miss Madison shop(just a little FYI)
Gaday All

Ian are you thinking of building a Madison ??? I was also but after speaking to Masson at the worlds he all ready has one in production for him self so I think she's a no go zone . :( Brad
This is what I have stored. I have more on film that I have not scaned yet.


Gaday All Ian are you thinking of building a Madison ??? I was also but after speaking to Masson at the worlds he all ready has one in production for him self so I think she's a no go zone . :( Brad
As long as they are a different year it will be fine....... ;)
Hate to say it Ray, but that is the first Miss Madison, formerly the U-79 Nitrogen. That particular hull was destroyed in 1963. I have to agree, I like the Impala too B)
hi all im looking for pics of the 1964 through to 1971 miss madison u-6 hydro

iv got some but im after more

thansk ian
Check out www.craftworks.com/hydros/hydros.htm

Not actual photos but shows a good layout of paint and graphics.

Don Brown

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