Use blue plasti gauge to check clearance. Should be .007 +- 001. Blue can be hard to find(at least in the sticks where I live)
Get in touch with Ron Shaw and he can tell you how to set the head clearance.
Dave Roach
Thanks Steve and Dave. Yes, .007 is great for 60-65% nitro. For those using Plastigauge, be very cautious. The squish taper on these engines (some modify higher than stock), can make using Plastigauge very costly. With the steeper angle of the taper at the wall of the sleeve, it not only makes "squishing" the plastigauge harder but it may also try to squeeze the plastigaige inward making this clearance inaccurate. Engines with a flat squish may be more accurate but with a tapered squish, I would suggest using a depth gauge the old fashioned way, taking in consideration the depth of the dish on top of the piston. If anyone needs help with doing this properly, please PM me and let me know. Thanks.