Looking For .125 flex cable with a shorter stub shaft length?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2002
Any Electric Guys,

Are you guys running any .125" cables with shorter

stub shaft lengths. On a used boat I just received it has

a .125" shaft log but the standard cables hit the brass tubing

coming into the strut and binds things up. I may just have a longer

strut made so there is more room forward of the strut bracket.

Standard struts are aprox. 1.5" long and I need one Aprox. 2" long?

Anyone else have this problem? Looking for a solution if possible.

This is for a 12 hydro with a small S-Bend, otherwise I would just change

it to a wire driveline.


Mark Sholund

You might be able to thread it down further then cut it off and make the stub shorter that way.


Not sure if you are using bearings like lead teflons or something in your strut or what setup you run in the strut but if it is a slip in sleeve type then you may be able to extend the strut length by boring it one size larger and using brass 1 size up and sleeve it with the extra 1/2" added. Cut the existing stuffing tube back so it is only in the front of you brass sleeved strut about 1/2" then fill in the behind the stuffing tube to the end of you sleeve with stuffing tube for the bushing to ride in.
Mark, search around on OSE they had all sorts of sizes when I was looking a couple years back. I was going to ask Tim Jones if he could get some made.
How long a stub do you need & how long overall (stub & shaft combined), Mark? I have some up in the garage, I'll dig them out tomorrow & check against what you tell me.

Thanks for checking tomorrow for me.

I am out of town today, but I will have the measurements

for you tomorrow when I get home after work.

Mark Sholund

Overall length of shaft end to end is : 16.75"

I found what I needed Robin thanks for checking.

Appreciate Your Efforts,

Mark Sholund
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