Limited spec catamaran


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Feb 21, 2011
Hi all at international waters i would like to set up a 32 inch catamaran from fightercat racing on 4s the rules for this class have not been set in stone waiting for more conformation.

But id say it would be limited to aq or Pb motors not sure which ones probably from the sv27 or ul1 and the blackjack cat not sure about the pb on from the outboard.

I was just wondering which of them would be better suited to this application i was leaning more towards the ul1 motor as they use it on their motley crew cat and its around the same size.

I have also thought about putting the proboat outboard motor itself on which would be pretty cool and somethin out of the ordinary as im the type of person who likes to be a little bit out there but if its not going to handle good and be as competative as an inboard cat than there is not much point lol and ill save that idea for possibly a titan 29 or 33 mono from OSE which would be cool also but at this time i would prefer a cat hull. Thanks for anyhelp or thoughts given
The Motley Crew cat actually uses the 1800kV motor from the SV-27R, not the 2030kV motor from the UL-1.
The Motley Crew cat actually uses the 1800kV motor from the SV-27R, not the 2030kV motor from the UL-1.
hi raptor i just realised thanks for the tip would that be a better choice out of the inboard motors or would the fightercat being a bit longer be better with the UL1 motor
I'd go with the 1800kV motor, a little more forgiving on setup and it will swing a bigger prop. It will give you a wider selection of props to choose from to tune the boat.
I'd go with the 1800kV motor, a little more forgiving on setup and it will swing a bigger prop. It will give you a wider selection of props to choose from to tune the boat.
hi cheers again for the tip what do you and or anybody else think of putting a proboat outboard motor on it
I can't help you with the boat. No Idea of how it would balance and perform with the outboard.
I can't help you with the boat. No Idea of how it would balance and perform with the outboard.
Hi raptor thats fine i have ben talkin to my club members who specialise in outboard boats.

They said it wouldnt go good with that hull or any outboard on an inboard boat they suggested the closest thing i cold get to having a cat with an outboard is with a tunnel hull and putting a cat style cowling on it which seems like a pretty good idea and compromise if that idea wont work then ill have to go with an inboard cat i dont see why it wouldnt work
The HOTR hulls - the Fightercat is a clone - generally don't handle very well even as an inboard. They are too narrow to compete with cats like the Mean Machine and qukk either corner clowly or roll over. If you have to have an outboard cat a wider hull like the MM would be a better choice. Or as your mates say, a tunnel hull designed for an outboard.

The HOTR hulls - the Fightercat is a clone - generally don't handle very well even as an inboard. They are too narrow to compete with cats like the Mean Machine and qukk either corner clowly or roll over. If you have to have an outboard cat a wider hull like the MM would be a better choice. Or as your mates say, a tunnel hull designed for an outboard.

hi jayt thats what i was thinkin i have been talkin to darin jordan he said the miss geico would be good with an outboard he is tryin the same conversion. there is also his fellow club member has converted a thundercat with twin R.E.K outboards with sv27 motors he said it goes really well so i was either leeaning towards the geico,mean machine with a single outboard as 2 wouldnt be allowed in the class but it might be a good project later on with a larger hull and twin outboards.As you said its a much wider hull both of them are wider than the fightercat