Larger scale Hydros


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Tom Foley

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 27, 2005
Hey guys , I came across an article in an old Hydro Legends Magazine about some Newton plans that were scaled up to 1/6 th scale for use with gas engines or large nitro . While I am a scale enthusiast , I dont have time to scratch build or race 1/8th , I would prefer to find a hull and do a little refit for fun running . Any info or links would be appreciated as well as some pics of your stuff .I really like some of the Round nose designs.Thanks , Tom .
Man I thought for sure the scale gurus would have some top secret source for a nice larger roundnose . I checked Phil thomas site and aeromarine , both very nice . Is that all that's all that is out there without scratching one ? Any info is appreciated , Tom .
Tom: Hap Mulvaney and Art McDougall had some large round noses that I think Pat Mulvaney now has. You might want to talk to him at the Winternats about the boats. Also there is an ex big boat racer living in Orlando who builds these larger boats. He goes by the name Tinker. Don't have his email address handy but will work on it and let you know. Before Hap passed away he and Tinker were talking about starting a class for the larger boats. They asked me to join them and I was ready to go until Hap's passing put an end to the project.

Best, Perry (Perry P. Walter, NAMBA No. 831)
Hi Tom,

I beleive the boats you are refering to were built for the making of the movie "Madison", they were 1/6th scale and were powered with stock Zenoa 260's. I beleive they were built by Don Mock, Harry Gatjens, Roger Newton & Troy McIntire, all memebers of R/C Unlimiteds. I don't know the where abouts of any of these models, but I suspect that they are in the Hydro Museum. I have enlarged a couple of Roger's plans to 1/6th scale and plan on building a 1/6th scale of the U-77 Miss Chrysler Crew sometime in the future, one of those "round-2-it" projects. These models are a little on the large side, 56" plus in length, depending on the boat you choose.

I for one would love to see a stock class fo these older round bow boats in 1/6th scale, but unfortunately it probably will never materialize as it takes a lot of time to build one and you would have to fabricate all of ones own glass cowls and plugs, ect.
Hey Tom,

Try Mark Williamson, he now makes the MTO boats ( 20 40 & 60 all round noses )

ph # ( 1-760 ) 721-1089

Don :)

Just remembered Dennis Hoover makes a very nice large scale round nose hydro.

This is the # I have for him ( 1-562 ) 529-1989

Don :)