klegecell foam


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Most full-scale boat manufacturers use it for transoms or ribs to glass over. I know there is a place in Elkhart Indiana that sells it.
Klegecel can also be bought from Wick's Aircraft supply in Highland, IL - they have a web site... but... you cannot hot wire this material as it give off VERY TOXIC gasses!!! : :)
If you are talking about some ridgid thick styrophome (spelling?) like material try a roofing supply place.
almost ed .. styrofoam ! no problem .. hm but this is available in green and blue .. works perfect to built any kind of WOF applications .

ed ur mailbox is to small ! cant get the pics in !

It has been 7 yr or so since I bought klegecell from Wicks. I have their current catalog and will look in there when i get home tonight. They had a composite experimental aircraft kit that utilized klegecell. They no longer offer the kit so maybe the klegecell went out with it. Not being able to hot wire the stuff is a major problem for many builders. Incidentally, if you didn't know... blue foam means it has a fire retardent added, that is why construction grade foam is almost always blue. ???
so thats the difference between pink and blue foam? i thought it was just pink cause it was owens corning's color