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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
Reading the sponson foam thread, why do you guys use kicker? What is it? Can I just epoxy the ply to the foam without it?

For the guys in OZ, what is a similar foam as what Kerry and Andy Brown use that I can buy here? I think I will build my own boats now that I know how to attach the sponson tubes in a lightweight manner. By the time those Hummer's and Eagle's get here they're worth a bit of cash and being an importer of other things I know the importers here don't have much markup on complete boats.
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Mark the kicker it is used with a crazy glue or another name for it is C/A or is not used with a epoxy glue.I use 5 min epoxy to put all the pieces together then sealed the boat with west system epoxy.useing grazy glue it's much faster or instant :angry: so if you make a mistake you are youcker :lol: :eek: :angry: good luck Nick
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Kicker is the brand name. It is a CA curing accelerator. Spray this stuff and CA is set instantly. It just cuts down on the working time.

Most hobby shops sell CA accellerator. It's usually in a pump pack type bottle.

As for foam for sponsons, you can get Klegecell or whatever it's called now here but it's big bucks, or you can get the blue insulating foam from hardware stores.

TimD said:
Mark,Most hobby shops sell CA accellerator. It's usually in a pump pack type bottle.

As for foam for sponsons, you can get Klegecell or whatever it's called now here but it's big bucks, or you can get the blue insulating foam from hardware stores.



Epoxy foam sponsons ALWAYS end up heavier. Using (ZIP) Kicker /Accellerator is a lot lighter and doesnt seem to lack in strength.

There are a few different types of core foam available including Klegecell in Australia. If you need help finding stuff in Melbourne I can help....

EMS Racing fingers stuck together???? never!!!

Prices vary dependant on the density and thickness of the foam.

FGI have it and their number is (03) 9550 5656

They also have other kinds of foam but I haven't been down to see what other stuff they have. I would be tempted to stay with the known quantity (klegecell R60) unless you really want to experiment with other foams.

EMS Racing putting the R back in fast

Not real keen on R&D when I hardly ever have time to take my rigger for a run. If the guys that build boats for a living are using it then I guess it's pretty good. Thanks for the info, I know FGI fairly well so I'll give them a call.
Yeah I am the same way..... barely enough time to do my own boats....

and sometimes even get outside help there too!!!! Never enough hours in the day.

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