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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
A while back a guy had two engines for sale. Somebody said they were "interested" in them. The engines were sold to a third party and all-of-a-sudden the seller gets bashed for it. Well, "interested" ain't "sold". Perfect example: http://www.intlwaters.com/index.php?showtopic=3545

For those who bashed the original guy, what is your opinion now? Is "interested" the same as "sold"? I don't think so.
Hi Guys

IMHO interested and sold are worlds apart. That's like I'll buy it don't sell it - oh and I won't have the money for a couple of months. It is sold when you both agree the price and payment terms, money/goods changing hands completes the deal.

Don't bash someone if your interested but someone agrees terms and coughs up the cash first - you snooze, you lose.

GT <_<
Heck, If we actually sold something to everyone that said they were interested, All of us here would be millionaires by now.

I have compiled this list of terms to help you all out when dealing with buyers.

Interested =I am dreaming about it, but I don’t have any cash right now.

Some day =I can not afford it now, and won't be able to in the future either.

I will send you a check = I cant afford it, but don’t want to tell you.

Can you send me a catalog = I like to look at pictures of things I can't afford.

Is there a dealer near me? = I am not going to buy one but don't want to hurt your feelings.

There are lots more but I will save them for another time. ;)

Peter R

"I'll take it", "I'll buy it" ..... those are definitive. "I'm interested", "I'm very interested" are not sold BUT should at least warrant a timely response from the seller. If someone posts that they're interested in something I'm selling, I'll e-mail them back as soon as possible to give them an opportunity. Preston is right that "money talks" but if you put up a post selling & someone says they're interested or wants more info, don't ignore them waiting for someone to post "I'll take it". Be courteous enough to at least send a reply. I've had occasions, on here too, that you don't even get a reply to a quick question. At least I know if I'm taking the time to ask a question about something it's more than a casual interest. Especially since I'm a two finger typer, just the time it takes me to type an inquiry makes me serious. :p :p :p
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......Lets just throw the word "Interested" in with the catagory of horse shoes and hand grenades, its not sold till I have MONEY IN HAND
rcguy76 said:
......Lets just throw the word "Interested" in with the catagory of horse shoes and hand grenades, its not sold till I have MONEY IN HAND
Not sold until money is in hand, there's no debate there. Now if somebody e-mails you saying they're interested & ask you a question about it, what do you do?? That's the point I'm referring to... <_< <_<
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Now if somebody e-mails you saying they're interested & ask you a question about it, what do you do??
Answer the question. Then you ask, so you want it or not?

Still, sold is sold and interested ain't.
What I see sometimes is they say "I want it, hold it for me (or make it for me)", then they don't follow through. But even that's only a temporary setback; everything finds a home. And the cool thing about making what you're selling is that if three guys want it, you just make two more. :p
money in hand is SOLD.....if someone says they are seriously interested just say...."tell them you will hold it for # of days with thier name on it....after that day passes...it ups for bids again......if someone else askes during that holding time..tell them someone else has first dibs until lets say saturday...after saturday if you want it...its yours....that way your not waiting six weeks for them to make up thier mind

If someone emails you....answer their ?'s......if someone says they are interested tell them if someone else offers MONEY...they get it...
Preston_Hall said:
A while back a guy had two engines for sale. Somebody said they were "interested" in them. The engines were sold to a third party and all-of-a-sudden the seller gets bashed for it. Well, "interested" ain't "sold". Perfect example: http://www.intlwaters.com/index.php?showtopic=3545
For those who bashed the original guy, what is your opinion now? Is "interested" the same as "sold"? I don't think so.
From what I remember about the previous topic had more to do with pricing than if the boat was sold. Nothing is sold until money is exchanged and goods are received. "I'm interested" is consideration not commitment. However, the other situation was a contract issue. An offer was made, the offer was accepted and money was sent. Then the seller jacked up the price and that is the rub.

As a matter of course, I don't consider anything sold until I've received money however, I do notify all that is interested that I have an agreement to buy. If it falls through, I contact the other potential buyers.

For instance, when KP called me regarding my Extreme, I did not mark the post until I received the money but I emailed everyone before I received the money to let them know I had a buyer. Five menutes after KP called, I received and e-mail offering much more money than what KP offered. Since I had accepted his offer, I sold it for less than I could have. My loss.
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