Its been fun


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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Well time for me to leave this lovely place i call home and head out overseas. I want to thank the Huntsville Al and Evansville Indiana clubs for their hospitality and making Wiley and i feel welcome. I also want to thank Joe Warren for all the help during my 30 day vacation lots of things would not have happen thank you.

It was great to meet up with a bunch of friends in Evansville and we raced hard and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately i will not return back home until april/ july 2014. Walt barney, stu barr,scott bouchie,and bill zawada thank you as well.

See you guys soon don't have too much fun ;-)

Well time for me to leave this lovely place i call home and head out overseas. I want to thank the Huntsville Al and Evansville Indiana clubs for their hospitality and making Wiley and i feel welcome. I also want to thank Joe Warren for all the help during my 30 day vacation lots of things would not have happen thank you.

It was great to meet up with a bunch of friends in Evansville and we raced hard and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately i will not return back home until april/ july 2014. Walt barney, stu barr,scott bouchie,and bill zawada thank you as well.

See you guys soon don't have too much fun ;-)

You both be safe Brother!! See you on the return... Get your business done, Then we can Boat again.....
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Be safe until your tour is complete, Julian. We've never met except for this group, but I have the highest regard for all those in uniform keeping us safe and free.

Be safe and come home in one piece J, we dont always see eye to eye, but I respect your service and appreciate what your doing.

Check in here when ya can, I gotta mess with you once and a while ;)

Respectfully, Andy
Julian, it was great to boat with you at the Little Thunder Race.

Be careful and stay safe and we will hook up again next year.

Stay safe Julian!!! Did you get that lower unit I sent? Keep in touch... :)
Well time for me to leave this lovely place i call home and head out overseas. I want to thank the Huntsville Al and Evansville Indiana clubs for their hospitality and making Wiley and i feel welcome. I also want to thank Joe Warren for all the help during my 30 day vacation lots of things would not have happen thank you.

It was great to meet up with a bunch of friends in Evansville and we raced hard and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately i will not return back home until april/ july 2014. Walt barney, stu barr,scott bouchie,and bill zawada thank you as well.

See you guys soon don't have too much fun ;-)

Be safe Brother!! See you & Wiley on the return... Get your business done, Then we can Boat later.....
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Thanks everyone for your comments and its been a pleasure sharing,having some beer with mike

(Woodstuff), Gary G, stu barr, jerry and many others and racing with you guys. We arrived safe in dubai and now its time to head to the combat zone.

Greg G it was a pleasure pitting for you and ensure that a roadrunner won twin hydro ;-) great boat

Julian and Wiley.