in Rothenburg Germany


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
I'm starting my new job with tour of plants across Europe. I'm in Germany.. a resort viliage called Rothenburg.. Fantastic history... beautiful for the first few days.// now it's just a really flippin old village turned into a tourist trap..

I'm here alone... So I have tried to talk with people... not a good thing.. I'm learning that common people in this area pretty much do not like americans. In fact, very much dislike.. They talk about Obama like a comic book story... The military guy that just went crazy shooting people is having a huge impact.. They have already long forgotten about 911. They do not buy into the theory of the US spreading freedom or democracy... I think they may be right... have we been brain washed into believing this stuff.....

They see our government as totally disfunctional and on the verge of collapse.. our people was weak and uneducated..

Very sad,,, ready to come home...

Going to Poland next week and then Italy... hoping things get better...

and buy the way... the food sucks... can't even get a decent cut of meat...
Anthony, good to hear from you. Keep your head up man. I know it can be tough in a foreign place.
Anthony I feel your pain, , this year I have to travel to Iowa to work and hear the people strongly dislike Minnesotans!!!! JK my buddy went to Germany and said the same thing on how they view America ..... Sad....

sorry that you have that impression, but look at it this way: the americans did go into Irak and for what reason?

Germany and many other countries see the US as a big police man just doing that they want. Besides, look at your economy, to be more specific the debt your country has....

Meat, we do not have so much space to have cows and cattle walk around for a good decent piece of meat. We are just producing.....But there is , just know where to look.

Italy might be interesting for you, the country of fast cars and espresso,(very strong coffee in small cups).

911....people do tend to forget so thats not uncommon about 911. How many people do know what ground zero looks right now???????

Uneducated people.....makes me smile. How much does the average american know of stuff outside the US????????

Anyway, have fun while traveling around.
Ron, Im not sure if he was trying to tear anyone down or anything.

But Anthony, its sort of came to be expected of the good old USA. Sad, but its true....
Not trying to tear anyone down.. After what I have seen,.. it's hard to imagine people complaining about american ignorance.. Has everyone forgotten the history except for the last 10 years.. what about the last 150 years.. what would europe be like now without the blood of american military.

seems to me there are just as many, if not more, people that are ignorant of outside world here. How much aid flows from america to struggling countries on this continent? I say we pull it all back... and give aid to our own people.. at least then there would be a CHANCE of it being appreciated..
Try not to sweat it Anthony. The world believes "we" are what "our" government's foreign policy is. "Our" government is not a true representation of "us" and who "we" are. You and I both know "our" government hasn't had "our" best interests at heart for decades. Foreign aid is government to government handouts. Very little of the hundreds of billions of "our" tax dollars ever effects or reaches those it is intended for. It just lines the pockets of "their" governments. I have always wondered who is in control of "our" foreign policy because the outflow of foreign aid, jobs, and offshore tax sheltered corporate profits is obscene and should be addressed immediately. The constitution states the president has the power over foreign policy...hmmm, interesting.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has to go play world police (how many wars, interventions, or advisory rolls are we in?) with all their toys or they can't get any more money from "us" is an ugly time to be "American" or at least the world's perception of one.

Funny thing is, I bet if some of "us" sat in on a few of these meetings things would be a lot different and BETTER! But we've elected our best and brightest to do our bidding so I'm sure it will all come out ok.
Try not to sweat it Anthony. The world believes "we" are what "our" government's foreign policy is. "Our" government is not a true representation of "us" and who "we" are. You and I both know "our" government hasn't had "our" best interests at heart for decades.
Anthony, I'm not thrilled with Mr. Obama either- or the economy. And don't beleive our forign policy reflects the views of the majority of people in the US . I wish the people in europe could see that.
Come up to Canada for a visit Anthony , we will take good care of you.

There is so much truth in that saying ," there is no place like home".

Tim K
No offence to anyone or tying to get one down...

just saying what I think people are saying here around .

I always love to come up to the US for many reasons, since I don't like my stayings in Africa or the middle east.

I have friends in the States, not in Africa.

People in europe do look different at the US then the us citizens. Thats just a fact.

Going home in 1.5 days.. Italy is cool... the average city is pretty dirty and drab,.. but the country side is fantastic..

Poland was a picture of repression.

I may kiss the ground when I get home!
I received some very good news a few days ago. The company has decided that I can do this new job from the head quarters in Charlotte.. I don't have to move... I am blessed again..

I haven't touched a boat since I got notice of being laid off.. maybe it's time to get them out again!!
Ron, We are almost broke because of all the handouts we give to other counties when they are in need. Hell if we could call in everthing that we gave out. We would be doing pretty good.

Has Europe forgot about WW2. Everyone there would be speaking German if we did not help stop Hitler.


Just speaking my uneducated mind.