IMPBA Nationals may be CANCELLED


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Kevin Sheren

Staff member
Jan 21, 2003
Found this in the Club section. I wanted to make sure everyone sees it.

"I just got off the phone with Chris Rupley and he told me the boat count is only in the mid 40's. The VooDoo club needs at least 125 boats to break even so for those planning to go to this year's Nitro Nats you need to get your entries in now. They are seriously considering canceling the event if they don't see a dramatic increase in entries by the end of the month". POST #56

We have a club that wants to but on the race and there are no entries. :(

If you have not been to the VooDoo site you are missing one of the best.

I would hate to see it cancelled.

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VooDoo has a nice site, are a great bunch of guys and put on one hell of an event it would be a shame if it's cancelled.


If you have never been to a race put on by the "VooDoo" group you don't know what you are missing. Deryl and I have signed up and are planning another trip to this race. We went to our first race a few years back and are looking forward to going again this year. This group of guys and gals know how to put on one big party....I mean one big race. It takes a lot for a club to step up to the plate and host a event like this....please get your entries in and lets have a race! It is a long drive for us but it is worth every mile we travel to race with the best. Thanks jj
Been to VOODOO many times,,one of the best venues out there! Once the sun goes down,,,anything goes..LOL Look for the apple pie!
I think its important to state.. I doubt the low turnout has ANYTHING to do with the club.. I really hope the club does not take it peronaly.

For me it budget and preperation for Midwest Power.. no more no less.. Money and Time.
