I guess I need an edjucation


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From the NAMBA rule book.

Sec 21 page 4 / f-1

F. SCALE CONCOURS JUDGING 1. All boats are to be judged from six feet off (stand off scale). A picture must be supplied to the contest director for each boat entered in the concours judging.

2. To be eligible for the Concours Award, the boat must be at least start in one heat race with its appearance/configuration as presented at the Concours Judging. No substitution or replacement of cowl, fake engine, wing(s) or other scale items will be allowed. 3. Judging will be based upon a point system as follows: a. Documentation i) 0-20 points - Photograph(s)/Presentation ii) General Appearance iii) 0-10 points - Workmanship iv) 0-10 points - Engine, exhaust, and radio gear concealment b. Detail i) 0-10 points - Engine/cowl detail ii) 0-10 points - Driver detail iii) 0-10 points - Cockpit detail c. Paint Job, Markings, Etc. i) 0-10 points - True colors ii) 0-10 points - Scale of markings, decals, lines, numbers iii) 0-10 points - Overall finish

The person that brought this to my attention informed me he has zero interest in pursuing this matter- only to bring it to light so its avoided in the future. Buddy has a **** fine looking boat, had he had his picture, he probably would have won it anyway- was the quote i got. The judging from six feet away from the boat was also not observed - once again, just pointing out what needs addressed for next year was what I was asked to post.
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Can someone tell me how a boat can be awarded scale concourse. Without providing a photo for documantation of the boat being modeled?
Homeboy rules? LOL!!
Seems kind of strange they would even try to judge it without a picture to compare it to.
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right. you can bring your boat up to the judging if you want.. even IF you do not have a pic.. you WILL NOT however get a concourse score to go with a qualifying run.

My boats are never pretty unless I score one from Don, so I never expect to win concourse. BUT, one time, in Charlston, I had the pretty boat because all the others were either damaged or beat up pretty bad. That is the one time I forgot my picture! LOL

So didn't qualify. And justly so. IMPBA rules......... You have to have a picture!

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How is it fair when you don't follow what's in the Rule Book???

Dick Tyndall
Ha well I think there is Namba then there is FLa dist 3 Namba, Or more than likely the CD had alot going on and really not familiar with scale rules, happens all the time with the lap penality rules.
Phil even though i dont run scale here in Dist3 the rules state as Randy put them up must be a pic with the model

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