Hydro Pictures??


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Doug Ashby

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
:blink: I am new to building scale. I'd like to find a library of pictures of the real boats so i can get the paint jobs correct...Anybody find any good spots?
I have 2 hulls. One is the Tide Hull, but I need to find an alternative paint job because the Tide registration has been taken.

Looks like I have about 3 choices--The 91 U-8 Executone Business Systems; The 91 U-8 Ellis Park Special; The 91 U-8 Ultra Bold & Dash (don't remember that one).

I also have an almost complete U-31 Circus Circus hull. I think it was circa 1990. It has the intake that looks like an upside down smile. Same deal with that one. I think it is hull #9031, but I could be wrong.

I need alternatives for this one too, and pictures so I can paint it!!

Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Can I use the Circus Circus hull as the U-7 International News and remain legal? They look the same.
I have 2 hulls. One is the Tide Hull, but I need to find an alternative paint job because the Tide registration has been taken.

Looks like I have about 3 choices--The 91 U-8 Executone Business Systems; The 91 U-8 Ellis Park Special; The 91 U-8 Ultra Bold & Dash (don't remember that one).
I have some pictures of the Ultra Bold and Dash. One of these days I might actually get around to building it. I'll try to get some listed later this evening.
Doug ......also there is U8 Super Golf Range 1991 as well....... super golf range and exutone bussines systems are both plain white boat with decals from the very few pictures i have seen .. I have ultra bold and will be happy to share what few pictures i have ..(i have 3 more but they are too big for my scanner so i will have too get them reduced in size)http://photos.yahoo.com/thundercat1960

the big ones i got are saltwater scoopand cockpit...... trailer ....... from rear at launch..

glen if you have any more could please ultra bold picts could please email me them .. as im always looking for moreBold1.JPG
oops sorry glenn i think you already sent me copys some time back ... as raiders nation still thanks for those
I believe that the U-31 Circus hull also ran painted up as the Miller High Life boat around 1989-91. I think it had the "frowning air intake" on it too.

Thanks for the pictures. That's a big help. I think I'll try painting that one, if I can find the graphics.
" I am new to building scale. I'd like to find a library of pictures of the real boats so i can get the paint jobs correct...Anybody find any good spots?"


Go to www.newtonmarine.com. This is Roger Newton's Web site and is a good listing for many Unlimited Hydroplanes, and has many corresponding pictures to show you what the real boat looked like. He has frame building plans available and "Paint Plans" for many Unlimiteds over the years. While I don't use his frame plans, I do use his Paint plans. They are full 1/8 scale model size, show hull dimensions and cowls and, in most cases, provide you with a blueprint of the hulls graphics, and often the paint codes used on the original. Let your fingers do the walking - - you'll enjoy the show. CHEERS !!! Bob Johnson
What ever happened to David Newton? I would like to order some photos. Dose any one have his email? The one I was using dosn't work.

Joe Nagy
Doug: Not sure what you mean by "the Tide" registration is taken. Do you have a rule in your District that doesn't allow you to run the same paint job as someone else? In Florida which is NAMBA we have three Mark and Pak boats all painted the same and are about to have two Charlie's Girls. I can't say I like it that way but we don't have a rule prohibiting it. With the cost of a new scale paint job it might be better to look into keeping the same paint job you now have. Perry
I believe that the U-31 Circus hull also ran painted up as the Miller High Life boat around 1989-91. I think it had the "frowning air intake" on it too.


The canopied version of the Miller High Life with the clown frown cowl ran in 1988 with the U-31 and only ran the last two races that way. San Diego and Las Vegas. Miller Pulled their sponsorship after 1988.
U-8 Pictures





Doug ......also there is U8 Super Golf Range 1991 as well....... super golf range and exutone bussines systems are both plain white boat with decals from the very few pictures i have seen .. I have ultra bold and will be happy to share what few pictures i have ..(i have 3 more but they are too big for my scanner so i will have too get them reduced in size)http://photos.yahoo.com/thundercat1960

the big ones i got are saltwater scoopand cockpit...... trailer ....... from rear at launch..

glen if you have any more could please ultra bold picts could please email me them .. as im always looking for moreView attachment 5463
If you a picture of the Bold and Dash on the trailer I'd like a copy......don't have one of those.

Doug: Not sure what you mean by "the Tide" registration is taken. Do you have a rule in your District that doesn't allow you to run the same paint job as someone else? In Florida which is NAMBA we have three Mark and Pak boats all painted the same and are about to have two Charlie's Girls. I can't say I like it that way but we don't have a rule prohibiting it. With the cost of a new scale paint job it might be better to look into keeping the same paint job you now have. Perry
He must be with the RCU guys in WA. It's good to see a variety of boats and also helps eliminate somebody getting confused and driving the wrong boat. It happened in our district a while back. By the time he figured out he was driving the wrong boat it was to late....his hit the shore. When he came back it had a different paint scheme.

Why do you guys have so many of the same boats? Must love that Velesco performance.
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