Huntsville Sea God Surrenders Boat


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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2004
As some of you know, I lost a Seaducer with a Nova Rossi to the "Sea God" in Huntsville last weekend. First, Barry Petroski and one of the boaters went out in the retrieve boat between heats and attempted to find it, but to no avail. Then after the race, Bill Zuber and I attempted to find it with no success and as Joe Warren posted this past week on this form, I left with a long face even though I won two plaques.

I talked with Bill and John during the week and they were putting plans into action.

Today after a hard work week, I got a call from John. They found the boat. It made my week!

I want to thank John and everyone involved for retrieving the boat. It was above and beyond the call of duty.

Though I have built models since the fourth grade, I've only recently been involved in competitive model boating. The help and friendship I've received really has made this a great sport and hobby.

As a P.S. John told me that the boat floated low in the water after retrieving it. I assembled the boat in the winter and used pipe insulation since pool noodles were not readily available. Needless to say, I will now only use pool noodles.

Though I've phoned the guys and thanked them for a great weekend, I want to thank everyone again.

Harvey Liberman

Knoxville, TN
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Good news Harvey.

What kind of boats you use to build in 4th grade Harvey? Tether.

Just joking with you Harvey.
Jose,how many guys or girls on this form have built a WHITE X with an O & R engine& 10 channel reed radio,or a boat with a single channel vacuum tube radio with an escapement instead of a servo.Jose has seen it, but for all of you in computerland the White Heat still is running
Phil,my escapement was battery powered.You must go back before me if your escapement was rubber powered :eek:r if you knew what an escapement was.
Phil,my escapement was battery powered.You must go back before me if your escapement was rubber powered :eek:r if you knew what an escapement was.
Battery powered,, thats how much I know about it, I had seen or heard of the rubber powered ones.

A Friend had a radio in a airplane called Galloping Ghost I think it was a battery powered escapement. the rudder went left, right or straight but the control surface flapped all the time.

I had a O&R gas powered mono and had a few Octura 4-60 hydros with Supertiger 60 engines.

We are glad they dont make them like they used to huh! :D
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And just another little tid bit,The NAMBA Sport-20 SAW record is held by "Doc" Joe Brezee with a modified White Heat.
Harvey, i can be a first hand witness to the great white heat running. usually it takes about two days to regain my hearing from starting that engine or just being within a 1000 or so feet of it.we've had fun with it,but i think we should update it and run it in open gas.i'm sure you could get a deal on bulk packages of ear plugs.

Jose,how many guys or girls on this form have built a WHITE X with an O & R engine& 10 channel reed radio,or a boat with a single channel vacuum tube radio with an escapement instead of a servo.Jose has seen it, but for all of you in computerland the White Heat still is running

Harv, heres a pic of the last White Heat I built, pulled a mold of my old wood White Heat. This was about 10 years ago.

What do you mean remember O&R, I still run one. It's in a 48" Sea Queen, it has the Octura rotary intake valve in it.