Hows best to mount the vertical wings


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Gaday Guys

Just another question for you all :rolleyes: .

We you mount the vertical wings is there another way to lock them down another than using screws at the base to the vertical wings .

why I ask im using a set of Phil's verticals and as they are nice and thin but shore as sh-t the first blow over they with only be good for the bin :( .

PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT IM BAGGING THE WINGS :) as they are great nice and light for the backend but due to our OZZY $$$ being so poor against the US $$$$ I would like there to be some other way to lock them down so im not buying wings every week. is there another way other than what I know with the 2 nylon screws at the base for the vertical .dose anyone else have any other way to lock them down that they had tried and proven to be a winner .

Thanks Brad


Gaday Guys Just another question for you all :rolleyes: .

We you mount the vertical wings is there another way to lock them down another than using screws at the base to the vertical wings .

why I ask im using a set of Phil's verticals and as they are nice and thin but shore as sh-t the first blow over they with only be good for the bin :( .

PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT IM BAGGING THE WINGS :) as they are great nice and light for the backend but due to our OZZY $$$ being so poor against the US $$$$ I would like there to be some other way to lock them down so im not buying wings every week. is there another way other than what I know with the 2 nylon screws at the base for the vertical .dose anyone else have any other way to lock them down that they had tried and proven to be a winner .

Thanks Brad


Use plastic bolts 440 if you can find them and they will break the bolts before hurting anything most of the time
Those foam core wings wont break in a blow over.

Use some nylon screws tap the metal studs or use nuts on the inside of the wing.

If the wings stay on the boat they wont get broken or run over if they come off when running.

If some one runs over you the nylon bolts will shear saving you some damage.

What will the project be when it is finished??
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Gaday Guys Just another question for you all :rolleyes: .

We you mount the vertical wings is there another way to lock them down another than using screws at the base to the vertical wings .

why I ask im using a set of Phil's verticals and as they are nice and thin but shore as sh-t the first blow over they with only be good for the bin :( .

PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT IM BAGGING THE WINGS :) as they are great nice and light for the backend but due to our OZZY $$$ being so poor against the US $$$$ I would like there to be some other way to lock them down so im not buying wings every week. is there another way other than what I know with the 2 nylon screws at the base for the vertical .dose anyone else have any other way to lock them down that they had tried and proven to be a winner .

Thanks Brad


In my opinion, don't mount them at all. Build a boat that does not have wings and avoid the

Good luck with your project, and remember, go fast turn right.

Gaday All

Bigbird mate technology has come along way since the old wingless boats. :eek: :eek: mate you should know that every thing that's fast in this day & age has wings <_< even tampons come factory standard with wings :lol: :lol: :lol: :D .

thanks for the replys Mate :D :D :D

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Gaday AllBigbird mate technology has come along way since the old wingless boats. :eek: :eek: mate you should know that every thing that's fast in this day & age has wings <_< even tampons come factory standard with wings :lol: :lol: :lol: :D .

thanks for the replys Mate :D :D :D

Brad that was a good one!!!!! But more important is those SHOES under the wings.Mike
Gaday All

ARR yes the shoes under the wings . this will be the first hydro that ive driven with the rear shoes so it will be good to see how things work out . im running a modifyed green head done by Aaren of OZ Spec Hobbies over here in OZ this motor ran real hard in SGX before it was given to me to run in the scale boat . B)