Holes behind sponsons


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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2005
While looking at other hydros I have noticed some have holes on the back of the sponsons. Are they to just let water out ? :unsure:

What if you make them water tight and don't drill holes?

More questions to come

Most boats leak at least a little. Especially on the side where the turn fin bracket is attached. Lots of boats actually develop cracks where the sponson transom and the afterplane intersect. That's pretty common. Lots of G forces hanging on the turnfin in a corner. Some boats seem to take on quite a bit of water when they are dead. It isn't usually much of a problem if the boat is running and up on a plane. You just tape over the holes before running then remove and retape as needed to drain the water out of the boat.

All my boats are wood and after a race I dry them out by getting a cheapo aquarium pump, some clear tubing and some Tees and inserting the tubing in the drain holes. You can buy all the parts at a Petco type store for $20 or less. I let it run until I get ready to prep the boat for the next race. I just took the deck off a 5 year old wood hull to repair some crash damage and the inside of the sponson looked like it was built last week. I also find that keeping the boat dried out also keeps the boat lighter (and faster) during a 15-16 event race season.
Mike,Thanks for the info. Did you spray some clear coat on the hull before you put the decks on?

What I was going to do was get the tunnel top on then clear the thing without the decks or sponson decking on to seal the wood good. What do ya think

I sealed the ply before I did any cutting or anything , just like the tunnels , Do you think would be good enough or not?

How about a rattle can clear?

I like to use a slow cure epoxy. I figure it works its way into the joints and wood better than paint. Mix it up, warm the wood with a heat gun and then put some in. The heat will thin it and make it spread easier. The cooler epoxy will also be drawn into the grain of the wood. Use a brush to spread it around and make sure none is puddling. Pour the extra into another section.

How large a hole are you talking about. If you are thinking of the ones on the backs of the sponons on scale hydroplanes i suspect they were used in the real boat to service the fuel tanks.

Also, if you are going to race the Eagle in the IMPBA you will need to remove the sponson backs. We can not have notched transoms in the IMPBA.

I have an eagle all the wood work is done. Its a very nice boat and there is not a thing wrong with the wood in the kit. Im not sure if its going to be my race boat for 2007 but I think the old PT super sport raced its last summer.

Also, I do not seal the insides of my sport boats unless i have an opening in the structure. But if you are, your best doing this with a finishing epoxy.


Grim , Really not sure of the size of holes more just for my info than anything else I'm not going with holes.

For some reason holes in sponsons kinda seems , well not right anyway.

On the notched transom , is it better to cut the ends flush with the transom or add 1/16 ply with some frame work so the transom is just straight across?

Not real sure about what your calling sponson backs

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The back of the sponsons stick past the transom on that boat.. the back of the sponsons need to be flush with the center of the transom..

I bet that is clear as mudd.. sorry..

Let me see if i can get a pic of mine up..


Thats a sweet boat hope mine comes out nice like that. I see what you mean.

could always get some bungs to plug the holes when you run my scale has those holes and that is all i do