Hobart 20 Hydro Winner.....


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Speed Jr.

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
Just wanted to say Congrats to David Pruesse(Spelling)for winning the largest class at Hobart. The competiton was unreal! There were a few perfect scores going into the last round. Chris Wood dominated his first two heats but went the wrong way with he needle in the last heat and died. Watch out for him next year guys, his new style Blackbird is INSANE! He ended up winning a run off for second and third against Paul Bychowski(spelling) AKA Goeycheese, who made a great showing with his own design boat that has the rear boom actually behiend the motor. There were many more amazingly fast 20 hydros of all kinds in the field. David's JAE/Nova combo had a perfect score for the weekend taking the victory....... He also had a perfect score I believe with his 40 JAE going into the last heat and unfortunatly blew over. Anyways a great performance by David and the JAE's. Congrats bud.

Larry Gempp Jr.

In case your wondering, My 20 ran terrible. Motor/fuel draw issues all weekend :( I think next year I need to get there on Wed or Thurs for some open water..... I cant wait!
Just wanted to say Congrats to David Pruesse(Spelling)for winning the largest class at Hobart. The competiton was unreal! There were a few perfect scores going into the last round. Chris Wood dominated his first two heats but went the wrong way with he needle in the last heat and died. Watch out for him next year guys, his new style Blackbird is INSANE! He ended up winning a run off for second and third against Paul Bychowski(spelling) AKA Goeycheese, who made a great showing with his own design boat that has the rear boom actually behiend the motor. There were many more amazingly fast 20 hydros of all kinds in the field. David's JAE/Nova combo had a perfect score for the weekend taking the victory....... He also had a perfect score I believe with his 40 JAE going into the last heat and unfortunatly blew over. Anyways a great performance by David and the JAE's. Congrats bud.

Larry Gempp Jr.

In case your wondering, My 20 ran terrible. Motor/fuel draw issues all weekend :( I think next year I need to get there on Wed or Thurs for some open water..... I cant wait!
Just think,there might be more of those JAE's poping up there next year.. :D .. Joe loves this twin rigger..
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All of the JAE's did well this year.

Anybody else notice the JAE twin?

It's Preusse.

Paul did really well with his rigger considering that he had some late night repairing to do Saturday.
Yes David had an awesome race, consistency won. In all honesty I dont think any 20 boat besides Davids was fully on its game. I never saw what happened with Brad Christy or Dave Roach or Ollie Douglas or Ron Jefferson or Chris Grim or any of the other boats that where not "jae inspired". But I do look forward to racing with the "Best of the Best"..... I will be gunning for ya !!!

p.s. The top 4 boats at the end of the race where all new boats for this years racing, Preusse & Zaker Jr. ran JAE kit boats, Woods ran his newest version of a blackbird, and I ran like Larry said a JAE inspired boat.......... all these boats ran with a rear ski.

The JAE twin was finished and never tested until open water. There was testing that needed to be done so I am pretty sure it was a scratch from the race.
Yes David had an awesome race, consistency won. In all honesty I dont think any 20 boat besides Davids was fully on its game. I never saw what happened with Brad Christy or Dave Roach or Ollie Douglas or Ron Jefferson or Chris Grim or any of the other boats that where not "jae inspired". But I do look forward to racing with the "Best of the Best"..... I will be gunning for ya !!!

p.s. The top 4 boats at the end of the race where all new boats for this years racing, Preusse & Zaker Jr. ran JAE kit boats, Woods ran his newest version of a blackbird, and I ran like Larry said a JAE inspired boat.......... all these boats ran with a rear ski.
who's knows what new riggers shows up next year? The riggers where impresive this year. Paul, Joe enjoyed talking to you and Rod Garaghty. You and other riggers guys won him over to the dark side=riggers. I'm still trying to get use to them. Joe told me if you want a fast boat,The riggers are the speed ticket. Oh joe had the hooters girls pose with my boat. the one waitress thought my boat was going to shoot/hurt her.lol.she even brought one of the guys worker to look at it. told her it wont hurt you.
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Yes David had an awesome race, consistency won. In all honesty I dont think any 20 boat besides Davids was fully on its game. I never saw what happened with Brad Christy or Dave Roach or Ollie Douglas or Ron Jefferson or Chris Grim or any of the other boats that where not "jae inspired". But I do look forward to racing with the "Best of the Best"..... I will be gunning for ya !!!

p.s. The top 4 boats at the end of the race where all new boats for this years racing, Preusse & Zaker Jr. ran JAE kit boats, Woods ran his newest version of a blackbird, and I ran like Larry said a JAE inspired boat.......... all these boats ran with a rear ski.
who's knows what new riggers shows up next year? The riggers where impresive this year. Paul, Joe enjoyed talking to you and Rod Garaghty. You and other riggers guys won him over to the dark side=riggers. I'm still trying to get use to them. Joe told me if you want a fast boat,The riggers are the speed ticket. Oh joe had the hooters girls pose with my boat.The our waitress thought my boat was going to shoot her/hurt her..lol
oopps it dubble posted one me on edit.sorry.
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andy it was a three day race.. fri sat sunday.. we got a shot of rain sat that lost about 3hrs.

the sun going down in the afternoon was also a deciding factor.. after about 5:30 - 6:30 on the back stretch you couldn't seen in the middle of the course. made for very dangerous sitation it was blinding.

great race for sure probably the best in the country

hopefully you can attend next year

Chris beat me to it. There was open water on Thursday for sure and possibly earlier than that. I know that some people rolled in on Tuesday.

The rain which was forecasted as being worse than it was slowed things down. A ceremony Saturday after the rain finally let up but still wasn't over was nice with the Miss Hobart presentation, a 9-11 rememberance, girls from the High School singing, a Hall of Fame induction and other things took a while but no complaints from me. The Luau that was scheduled for Saturday was moved up to Friday possibly because of the weather conditions predicted(?). If the race had gone all 4 rounds then we might not have gotten out of there until late Sunday night but I was home by 8:30 PM but I'm only 120 miles away from the site.

The Indy MBC did a great job of trying to keep things rolling while we were racing. The sun at this time of the year sets and tosses a blinding light right over the back entrance buoy making it all but possible to see even with sunglasses on.
Here is the points sheet for 21 hydro

There where many discrepancy's in the score, at one point I was in first and my first heat was open. If you recalled I made them show me the scores when they said I got 3rd. I thought i was running off for third not second. I was shocked when i was called for third place.
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Hey Jullian are you reading this? It has alot of the words JAE and JAE like in It. You will see these boats at the Fall Nationals. Just look straight ahead, they are the one in front of you. See you there
Hey Jullian are you reading this? It has alot of the words JAE and JAE like in It. You will see these boats at the Fall Nationals. Just look straight ahead, they are the one in front of you. See you there
Hey Julian!

Just remind Rick of this sentence with the word JAE in it.

"He also had a perfect score I believe with his 40 JAE going into the last heat and unfortunatly blew over." :D

Congrats to David on his .21 Hydro win!
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Andy and Rick, David blew over while running up a roostertail of a boat he was chasing down.... His 45 boat is incredible to say the least. I cant wait to see more JAE 45's and up. Ive never seen such effortless corners. My 45 JAE wasnt nearly as fast as some of the other 45's in the straits,but my lap times were right there.

Larry Jr.
David told me he built the 45 in one day,first time he has used ca to build a boat. Had he used a little more glue he would be holding the CLOCK TOWER.....
David told me he built the 45 in one day,first time he has used ca to build a boat. Had he used a little more glue he would be holding the CLOCK TOWER.....
Thats no surprise to me. Was told by Rod Garaghty to use CA on next build were working on now. He use's CA in all his builds..its lighter then epoxy. On time build,Had mine .12 jae done in 9 hours.