hhdro plane suggestions.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
I recently got into boats and am hoooked I have some tunnels as well as a deep v and Miss vegas Hydro which is my current favorite.

I like the the way the hydros look , handle and the speeds these little .18 work surprisingly well and better each run.

What would you guys suggest as another Hydro.I am just starting to look around but I like the looks of the sport 40 size boats.

I realize there are a lot of engine and hull options but something that runs well and is user friendly.

What would you guys suggest for a boat and motor in that size range and what would the aprox. cost of boat, motor and hardware basically everthing less the radio.

I am interested in the fibreglass style construction and am not afraid of the building other than the painting of the hull but I think I could handle it if I took my time.

Thanks guys, first post on the hydro forum

Terry Munn