I'm currently running the pipe a bit long 7-7/8 from the center of the pipe's belly to the center of the glow-plug. I've run it at 7-1/4 on "fast" water and the boat will scream when the needle is right. Keep in mind that these dims are for a Traxxas TRX 2.5 running a cut-down Prather 215 on a CAT hull.
I'm sure that on a very free-running hull like a Rigger you will be able to run the pipe shorter and still pull the prop.
As far as the MIP Stinger Pipe is concerned it's a bit restrictive but has the back-pressure required to load up good at high RPM's so keep the props on the small side. If you drill out the stinger out a bit it may help, also.
The header that I'm using is the one made for the Associated Nitro TC3. It's ID is 12mm and the header length is quite short for a 180-deg headers I have not needed to cut it from the "stock" length which is 3-3/16 from tip to the end of the exhaust flange.