Tim.... Kevin, and i had talked about things, and i'd mentioned you in VB. It wasnt feasable for him to ship the fuel to me, among other things, and as one of my greatest freinds and lifetime mentors, his righteousness extends even further...... He's made his exodus apparantly, and understandably from the boat scene... the elusive SAW record he sought constantly with his engine program, and further with the Oval Serpent may have not lent to his time invested..... completely computer designed, cut, and assembled by him, you have one in your hands.... run with it. Often misunderstood, Kevin's engineering background lent an advanced mind in engine dynamics that entailed discord to his dismay, constantly.... full circle funny and almost redundant, the modified production on road buggy engines are materializing as marine plants after I and a few others had been testing Kevin's theories as far back as a decade ago.... I still have mine, and they continue to perform great.... having an engine builder request you actually over tune just to see limits for feedback and further theory is off the charts.... yes... ( Is it broke yet?)..... take it to the limit or not at all..... I owe my entry in the hydro racing scene to Kevin.... I still have an awesome hummingbird of a pair he sold me close to a decade ago, that, clocked as high as 73, with my nominal 45% nitro, and limited prop testing..... it's still campaignable to this day.... Advancing and support of a little corn state puke 10 years ago, through my issues, and today, I owe Kev an unpayable debt of gratitude... he's been there for the little guy, making it happen along with a few other people in my limited circle... out there nationwide, theyre there. Thats what with the box... the spirit and the continuance of the sport.... thats where it's at. Sadly, he's done. Advancing his piloting skill, cant say i'd blame him..... he's living his dream. thanks Kevin, for helping me live mine. Lifetime. the sunday rush..... get you some. Indebted. Mike