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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
I bought the dpi t-plus basic kit off ebay and want to build it.what size shaft should i use.

going to run in lsh hydro class.also best hardware for it.

it came with a colbalt 25 4 turn motor and astroflight 208D speedcontrol and 12 3000 nimh batterys.
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This is a pretty large hull for an LSH racer. The Astro has a similar Kv to the 700s you have to use in the LSH class, but those 3000 cells will be pretty weak. If they have been sitting fully dumped for a long time they may not come back when charged, plus these had a pretty low power level anyway. Performance will be much better with good 3300, 3800 or 4200 cells. Remember that for LSH racing, all the power is in the cells.

Still, this may work okay for a sport boat. You will want a prop shaft that takes 3/16" bore props. It would run better on 14 cells as a sport boat, but that speed controller will likely burn up with more than 12. :(
what if i use the colbalt motor its a 4 turn.also what hardware.wha tclass then
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I use to have this hull.

It went OK on 12 cells as an LSH, but 16 cp1700's (2/3 cub c cells) made it a rocket.

I changed the straight shaft to flex and used 0.130 cable through a fullers strut and rudder.

I ran it on a hacker 8XL 12cells and 10XL 18cells for a while. Boat was a screamer. Using GP3300's at the time. Hull needs some angle of attack work if it is going to run at really high speeds. Put if you are not into racing 8XL 12cells 640 prop as a starter will work without changing much of the hull.

Sorry i cannot help more. I ran this hull over 4 years ago. Sold it to a club member but have never seen it since.



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