Uummm... Stu doesn't recommend WD-40 in the cooling jacket. Simply because it tends to not be kind to a rubber O-ring that's in the cooling jacket. Says he uses alcohol to flush the jacket. My concern is the obvious one of corrosion of the head screws. My idea of die-lectric grease used as an anti-seize in this case is because I use it on all my electrical connections. So it's already in my tool box. The die-lectric grease I would use on non stainless. Me wanting to do the least work on the engine with all my usual long after run procedure... Want to not add another new element, alcohol, to my support manasury. A second thought would be to replace the WD-40 I've used for years followed by trans fluid to flush the engine. Use alcohol. Then. trans fluid. I can tell you it would be a hard change for me to do. I've never had any problems with my system. I have an engine that's been sitting for 20+ years that the bearings still feel like new. Of course, for the cooling jacket I would just flush with the alcohol.
I know this very subject was beat up a while back. I'm trying a different spin. But, I don't think the horse is quite dead yet...