h&m 1/10 twin wing


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Jan 4, 2008
Hi, I had a heck of a time finding pictures of this particular hull (h&m 1/10 twin wing) while building it, so I thought I'd throw up a few pics for other folks' future reference.

I won't get a chance to run it for a few months yet, as our water's quite frozen around here !

The motor is a neu 1912-1y (830kv), esc is a hacker 77, batteries are a pair of 25c 10s 3700mah packs to be run in paralell, and the first prop on deck will be an octura 940/3. Once I get a few runs on it I'll switch to a detongued prather 235. Should be in the high 60mph, low 70 mph range if I can talk it into staying on the water <_<

This is the closest it'll get to the water for a while. Hurry up spring !







Cheers !

Hi, I had a heck of a time finding pictures of this particular hull (h&m 1/10 twin wing) while building it, so I thought I'd throw up a few pics for other folks' future reference. I won't get a chance to run it for a few months yet, as our water's quite frozen around here !

The motor is a neu 1912-1y (830kv), esc is a hacker 77, batteries are a pair of 25c 10s 3700mah packs to be run in paralell, and the first prop on deck will be an octura 940/3. Once I get a few runs on it I'll switch to a detongued prather 235. Should be in the high 60mph, low 70 mph range if I can talk it into staying on the water <_<

This is the closest it'll get to the water for a while. Hurry up spring !







Cheers !

Nice looking boat. length and width?
Boat looks good, but might not be legal to race with the transom mounted strut. I only mention this because here In Washington, E-R/C Unlimiteds requires the strut be mounted through the hull bottom. One other thing is the boat IS NOT 1/10TH SCALE. To be a 1/10th scale boat it would need to be 34.6" long, plus or minus the applicable variance allowed. Unfortunately, you boat also isn't large enough to meet scale size limits either, since it must be no less than 43.75" long and 19.35" wide. Your boat does fall into the Sport 40 size range so you would need to look at the requirements to race a Sport 40 electric if you plan on racing
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Boat looks good, but might not be legal to race with the transom mounted strut. I only mention this because here In Washington, E-R/C Unlimiteds requires the strut be mounted through the hull bottom. One other thing is the boat IS NOT 1/10TH SCALE. To be a 1/10th scale boat it would need to be 34.6" long, plus or minus the applicable variance allowed. Unfortunately, you boat also isn't large enough to meet scale size limits either, since it must be no less than 43.75" long and 19.35" wide. Your boat does fall into the Sport 40 size range so you would need to look at the requirements to race a Sport 40 electric if you plan on racing
It was built as a sport boat, on 10s, it would only be allowed in an open class, it has the power, but it is a little too small to run in race water with other larger boats.

There are no electric classes around here at all actually, just the usual nitro and a couple gas classes.

H&M advertises it as a 1/10 scale, I didn't bother to check it.


not to worry wasn't running down your boat, since it's the first one I've seen that looks that good. Too bad the manufacturer did the same thing as Pro Boat, calling a boat a "scale" when it really isn't. Your boat is too long while Pro Boat has their's 2" short to be a 1/12th scale. I do like the look of your boat, with the paint and hull details looking fairly accurate. I also like the fact that the boat has CF in the construction, making it a much stronger hull
not to worry wasn't running down your boat, since it's the first one I've seen that looks that good. Too bad the manufacturer did the same thing as Pro Boat, calling a boat a "scale" when it really isn't. Your boat is too long while Pro Boat has their's 2" short to be a 1/12th scale. I do like the look of your boat, with the paint and hull details looking fairly accurate. I also like the fact that the boat has CF in the construction, making it a much stronger hull

No worries, I didn't take it that way.

I know it would be a bigger concern if there were actually electric racing around here.


Gaday guys

Here are some picks of my Hydro & Marine twin wing 1/10 Scale the first thing I need to say is the boat hull from tip to tail slippers is 37 inches not 40 and she is 18 inches wide at the back (widest point) of the sponsons.* so she should be legal if setup with the drive dog under the back of the transom true or false????.

I've set mine up to run out here in Australia in our GP hydro (sport 40) class .She is powered by a Mac 45 this whole deal is real new and only seen the water a hand full of times .

The boat was built and ment to be raced at the World Challenge that was just held here in Sydney only 3 weeks ago but due to no R&D the first time on the water was the last day of practice and I found that only 1/2 throttle was able to be applied due to the boat being to flighty but still fast so after talking to a couple guys that run sport 40 I fund out that I had the C-G setup to far back and was unable to set it up how I liked so I just helped out who needed a hand for the rest of the week and didn't run .

Since then ive been out with the boat at a mates private lake and now that the C-G is in the right position she is a bullet and isn't far of being equal in speeds in the straits as my mate very competitive B hydro also powered by a Mac 45.

Here is some picks .

My I modified my cowl at the back that's why it different to the original.
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Wow, you did alot of work to that cowl. Looks great, I'd love to have half the cockpit come off like that.

How far back is your cg from the front sponson's rear edge (ride pad) ?


Gaday All


I just measured the C-G point and from the back of the sponson its 60mm dry(NO FUEL) ive taken some picks to show you.

Re the cowl yes there is a lot of dermal work mate as you know ive changed the tail so the turbine exhorts tubes gone also I cut the front of the cockpit in by 2 inches and fitted it to the main cowl so I could have a visual of the carb and throtal position .I also had to remove1 1/2 inches from where the cowl use to sit and just under the inlet mouth then joined the main piece and the piece I cut from the cockpit to the cowl .

why I cut out the 1.5 inches is because the Mac .45 didn't if under the cockpit part of the cowl so the cowl wouldn't fit so I cut out the 1.5 inch section so the main part of the cowl mover forward by that 1.5 inches and now the water jacket sits nicely just inside the large opening area of the cowl.

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