Food for thought guys. In addition to the thoughts mentioned on this subject, there is one item that hasn't and thats the depth and shape of the wing itself. In building my scale, I took alot of time in making this wing so it is to scale and it has the correct shape. I decided on using the Futaba GY401 and a high speed/high torque servo using a 6 volt batt. The gain and sensitivity can be adjusted from the transmitter, though once set up during prelim testing to get the bugs out, I don't think any further adjustment will be required, (like when your actually racing.)
One of the reasons I decided to use a gryo was so I didn't have to make the adjustment on the fly. I got enough to do already with the steering, throttle and mix. Didn't want to do anymore than I had to while running.
Having watched planes and heli's with gyros in them, I think they will be more than fast enough to handle the needs of keeping the boat on the water.
I am just looking forward to open water now and then we will tell Joe, if all the work to build this boat was worth it or not. I'm just crossing my fingers it does.