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Jerry Muro

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 15, 2004
Well any one who is on the fence to build a Rigger of any kind should look no further than the JAE. This is the simpliest boats I have ever built. It is stupid simple. The build and the set up. Went to the lake site for the first time this year due to the weather on the east coast. We tested all other boats before the JAE 21's becuase we thought the rigger would take the most time,well were we WRONG. This boat came right off the stand and ran like it was a proven winner. We did absolutely nothing just tossed it in the water and ran. It goes right it goes left with no issues a slight wind today and nothing anything you through at this boat it handled. So I would like to take this time to say a big thanks to the Team JAE for such a great design. My race partner and I are hoping to spark the nitro classes again in our district. Jerry
Well any one who is on the fence to build a Rigger of any kind should look no further than the JAE. This is the simpliest boats I have ever built. It is stupid simple. The build and the set up. Went to the lake site for the first time this year due to the weather on the east coast. We tested all other boats before the JAE 21's becuase we thought the rigger would take the most time,well were we WRONG. This boat came right off the stand and ran like it was a proven winner. We did absolutely nothing just tossed it in the water and ran. It goes right it goes left with no issues a slight wind today and nothing anything you through at this boat it handled. So I would like to take this time to say a big thanks to the Team JAE for such a great design. My race partner and I are hoping to spark the nitro classes again in our district. Jerry
Properly designed boats built within the designers specifications have a habit of performing without "issues" right off the stand. The JAE's are just such a boat. Others include, Chris Wood's Blackbird, Brad Christy's Blackjack, Grimracer's Ninja, Phil Thomas's sport hydros ect.,ect.,ect.,
good to hear it Jerry and thanks for the JAe team making them so user friendy and affordable.More than could be said with any other rigger up to this point.Setting built in ...what more could you want.Up until know i have only heard that the 21 rigger is bay far the toughest of any to set up and dial in..

Jerry glad to hear you had good luck on your first trip out with your JAE 21. Hope you have as much fun as we have had. Were you able to keep good speed in the corners and what prop worked best.


I am going to post on top of yours about my first test today for the JAE21. I have run nitro riggers of all sizes for 20 years and have owned many different brands. This is the first truly "kit" boat that I have done. Actually, I got Mike Larson to build it along with his but we closely followed the directions in the manual. I did some minor changes to suit my personal tastes, such as a bait box (like Kentley prefers), a Speedmaster extended strut and a Speedmaster mini 21 extended rudder. The sponson extended sides were sanded off but the overhang on the trailing edges were kept. Each bulkhead were pinned with dowel rods through the side (like Roadrunners) to strenthen those joints. The ski has Klengecell foam sections glued inside for strength. I also used Klengecell for the sponson foam. The tub and sponson nose pieces were changed to oak instead of the pine provided in the kit. And kevlar veil was added to the bottom interior inlaid in the sealing epoxy. All else was done as per the instructions.

As far as specs, I am using an Orlic prepped Nova Rossi (about 4 years old), Speedmaster carb (I have to try the Orlic carb next), Orlic head button and water jacket, new Cooper/Irwin 21 nitro pipe from Steve Wood at 7 5/8", Solinger engine mount, H-7 prop with 3.55" pitch/cup, 50% fuel, water temp about 58 degrees. Boat is just over 4 lbs. It is built to last and to heat race with.

The boat launched well immediately and ran on rails like no other rigger I have run in 20 years. It kept glued to the water, very little spray, gained speed in the turns, had NO bad tendencies, did not drift or pull in any direction. I could get off the throttle and get back on in a instant. I ran it on the fat side, water was cold, had only 50% nitro and still got into the low 70's. Next test is to increase nitro and go up in prop and I know the speeds will increase. I did not have enough prop on it. H-10, 1700 & 1800 series and 1450's are next to be tested. My test time was very limited today but will do better next time. Once several club members saw it run, they are going to get them one. JAE 21's, 45's, 90 and gas boats will be built in the very near future by the club members. I just may add in a 45 and 90 myself.

There was one negative from the test. The turn fin bent (outward about 10+ degrees) just below the bottom edge of the sponson. The kit unit is either too thin or not 7075 aircraft grade material. I have some new thicker and 7075 ones being made for me. The thin boom tubes also bear watching. I have spares but wonder about the long term strength.

Great kudos and thanks the the Team JAE for an excellent and affordable rigger. It performs great and if you build it like the instructions notate, you will have excellent results. There is NO adjustment needed like any other rigger on the market now. I have thrashed with Roadrunners, Eagles, Crapshooters, Blackjacks, Diamondbacks, etc., and ALL needed many adjustments when first built to run well. No shims, digital angle levels are needed or required for the JAE. It is different and simple. I honestly had some reservations at first but are all gone now. It just seemed to be too simple but that is the beauty of the JAE. So easy even a caveman can do it!!


I am going to post on top of yours about my first test today for the JAE21. I have run nitro riggers of all sizes for 20 years and have owned many different brands. This is the first truly "kit" boat that I have done. Actually, I got Mike Larson to build it along with his but we closely followed the directions in the manual. I did some minor changes to suit my personal tastes, such as a bait box (like Kentley prefers), a Speedmaster extended strut and a Speedmaster mini 21 extended rudder. The sponson extended sides were sanded off but the overhang on the trailing edges were kept. Each bulkhead were pinned with dowel rods through the side (like Roadrunners) to strenthen those joints. The ski has Klengecell foam sections glued inside for strength. I also used Klengecell for the sponson foam. The tub and sponson nose pieces were changed to oak instead of the pine provided in the kit. And kevlar veil was added to the bottom interior inlaid in the sealing epoxy. All else was done as per the instructions.

As far as specs, I am using an Orlic prepped Nova Rossi (about 4 years old), Speedmaster carb (I have to try the Orlic carb next), Orlic head button and water jacket, new Cooper/Irwin 21 nitro pipe from Steve Wood at 7 5/8", Solinger engine mount, H-7 prop with 3.55" pitch/cup, 50% fuel, water temp about 58 degrees. Boat is just over 4 lbs. It is built to last and to heat race with.

The boat launched well immediately and ran on rails like no other rigger I have run in 20 years. It kept glued to the water, very little spray, gained speed in the turns, had NO bad tendencies, did not drift or pull in any direction. I could get off the throttle and get back on in a instant. I ran it on the fat side, water was cold, had only 50% nitro and still got into the low 70's. Next test is to increase nitro and go up in prop and I know the speeds will increase. I did not have enough prop on it. H-10, 1700 & 1800 series and 1450's are next to be tested. My test time was very limited today but will do better next time. Once several club members saw it run, they are going to get them one. JAE 21's, 45's, 90 and gas boats will be built in the very near future by the club members. I just may add in a 45 and 90 myself.

There was one negative from the test. The turn fin bent (outward about 10+ degrees) just below the bottom edge of the sponson. The kit unit is either too thin or not 7075 aircraft grade material. I have some new thicker and 7075 ones being made for me. The thin boom tubes also bear watching. I have spares but wonder about the long term strength.

Great kudos and thanks the the Team JAE for an excellent and affordable rigger. It performs great and if you build it like the instructions notate, you will have excellent results. There is NO adjustment needed like any other rigger on the market now. I have thrashed with Roadrunners, Eagles, Crapshooters, Blackjacks, Diamondbacks, etc., and ALL needed many adjustments when first built to run well. No shims, digital angle levels are needed or required for the JAE. It is different and simple. I honestly had some reservations at first but are all gone now. It just seemed to be too simple but that is the beauty of the JAE. So easy even a caveman can do it!!

welcome aboard john :D :D :D
I had the same issue with the turn fin, only thing I could add to anyone building this is make sure you put your strut where they say too lol. The hardest time I had (once I got the right strut) was breaking in my new motor lol!