gotta ask for a buddy


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
A guy wants to race sport20 and has a Bud Pro with a 15,anyone try to put more power in it or is it not worth the trouble?
Steve Cirmella out of Columbia, SC has one that just FLYS! I have no idea what he's done to it but I know that it's been worked on ALOT!
It'll work, you'll just need to strengthen the drive line area, add some weight for balance on the left sponson and refiberglass some of the weaker spots of the hull so the vibration doesn't wear it down.

Also, the MRP hull is a great sport 20 hull if you can find one, they have a nice scale look as well. I had one I did up as the Ms ud and it was a blast.
I think this hull may not be legal in IMPBA.

I have never measured the cutouts in the front of the boat. But in just seeing the boat from a distance and looking at them I see no reason why the hull would be legal.

Mark Bullard
Manufacturers need to wake up a quit trying to reinvent the wheel all the time. First it was .15 RTR (BUD) now its .18 RTR ELAM or whatever. If you let manufacturers dictate your race classes it will be like the trucks. .12 then .15 then .18 then .23 then.25 then .26 then .28 then .46 or whatever it is next week. They obviously do not care what class a boat is in to race it as long as it sells. Why would a company in there right mind make an .18 size boat? Engine with .03 Ci bigger costs that much more? The boat came out of the mold too small for a .21 so they said ...think anyone will notice? Ran out of material to make the mold for a .21 boat so they said lets make an .18 instead? This has been discussed before plenty and there is obviously no good solution as long as people keep buying them. Maybe a change in mindset is in order. MOST of the RTR boats are not competition breed. Just meant as way to get people interested and get them to spend there money. Looks cool and box says it will do 50MPH... I'll take it!

I know in district 2 late in the year classes start getting shorted on heats because it is not possible to run them all before dark. With the onset of more gas classes days get short in a hurry.

I wonder if companies that make RTR boats actually went to IMPBA, NAMBA, APBA to ask if there was a class to race these boats in....whats that you say? No ...thats what I thought.

I have no problem with selling RTR boats..companies have to make money. Should they be raced, Maybe if you get enough of them togather at the same place and there is adaquate time to not invade the current classes. Maybe even a spec. class if you can get the manufacturers to quit changing the Spec. all the time.

Just my $1.25

I think this hull may not be legal in IMPBA.

looking at them I see no reason why the hull would be legal.

Mark Bullard
I'm confuesed, you mean it's legal or not legal?
Are there rear ride pads,not seen one of these but if it has them its out????????????

I'm sorry I type the wrong thing it was suppose to be I see no reason why the hull would not be legal


I don't think that there is. But I will tell you legal or not if someone showed up with one and wanted to run it I would put them in the sport 21 class and let them run it. Why it would more than likely be a new boater just getting his feet wet. It would allow him to learn the ropes and have a good time. And if he does have a good time it won't take him long to get into more boats.

Of course we do have the Production RTR class in our rule book but there has never been enough of these boats to make a class or a club has never listed this has a class in there race flyer to promote it.

I think this hull may not be legal in IMPBA.

looking at them I see no reason why the hull would be legal.

Mark Bullard
I'm confuesed, you mean it's legal or not legal?
Are there rear ride pads,not seen one of these but if it has them its out????????????

I'm sorry I type the wrong thing it was suppose to be I see no reason why the hull would not be legal


I don't think that there is. But I will tell you legal or not if someone showed up with one and wanted to run it I would put them in the sport 21 class and let them run it. Why it would more than likely be a new boater just getting his feet wet. It would allow him to learn the ropes and have a good time. And if he does have a good time it won't take him long to get into more boats.

Of course we do have the Production RTR class in our rule book but there has never been enough of these boats to make a class or a club has never listed this has a class in there race flyer to promote it.

Agreed Mark
Of course we do have the Production RTR class in our rule book but there has never been enough of these boats to make a class or a club has never listed this has a class in there race flyer to promote it.
Maybe the problem is that WE, as members of the boating organizations, have made the rules for the RTR class too strict! :eek: Maybe we should find a way to allow beginners who show up with one of these boats to fit in, instead of blaming the manufacturers for building boats that sell.

What about a class that would let anyone who showed up with a STOCK miss bud, miss elam, aeromarine mean machine, or whatever other boat fits into this size range, race?
Of course we do have the Production RTR class in our rule book but there has never been enough of these boats to make a class or a club has never listed this has a class in there race flyer to promote it.
Maybe the problem is that WE, as members of the boating organizations, have made the rules for the RTR class too strict! :eek: Maybe we should find a way to allow beginners who show up with one of these boats to fit in, instead of blaming the manufacturers for building boats that sell.

What about a class that would let anyone who showed up with a STOCK miss bud, miss elam, aeromarine mean machine, or whatever other boat fits into this size range, race?
We did. I rewrote the rules to fit the new little boats and any other small boats so long as the motor stays in the A class. The class use to be call Production ABS boats for ABS plastic hulls. But with new little boats being made out of fiberglass they did not fit the class. So we revamp the rules to fit the new boats.

I have a miss llumar with an OS .18 in it and I'd like to run it with others...

I also have a A rigger, and soon to have a sport tunnal to run too..

Yes the Llumar got me BACK into RC after taking 10+ years off sure i'd like to race more than just a friend or too.

The problem with RC boating hobby is you have to look so hard to find any info. The internet has made it a billion times easier. Most local shops do not really support the RC boater, though more are now with the RTR boats being a boom.

So now that companys like ProBoats have produced hundreds or thousands of these little boats why not make an effort to include them into races. Promote the RTR classes on fliers that you hang in the local hobby shops...

This whole hobby needs a new PR and marketing department! We go off the beaten path to find a pond, people dont happen to drive by see us runnig and stop in for info...

thats just my $0.02
re: I wonder if companies that make RTRs actually went to IMPBA, NAMBA, APBA, and asked if there is a class to race these boats in?

Here's a reality statement from the geezer who did the R&D on the 1/12 scale Miss Bud and designed and developed the AquaCraft Miss Vegas. "If the major distributors(Great Planes/Horizon) only looked to the racers for boat sales they wouldn't sell many boats."

In the total hobby market, model boating is at the bottom of the food chain. That's just the way it is. Allow me to share my experience/s with the 1/12 scale hydroplanes.

As soon as I took the first pre-production Miss Bud out of the box from China I went, "ChaChing!!!." I knew they would sell a bunch of them. I was told to make it work. Didn't matter that the pipe went over the radio box and it was hard to work on, make it work. Well, I did sorta/kinda and it sold literally by the 1000s.

I knew I could "make a better mouse trap" if I could start with a clean slate. So, borrowing from some things Dave Frank and Mark Anderson had developed I made a WOF Sport Hydro. I sent it to HOBBICO shortly after the Miss Bud was released. The original WOF Sport Hydro was powered by the same .15 engine as the Nitro Hammer.

The model boat division of HOBBICO was undergoing a change - the development of AquaCraft and it took a while, what's it been four or five years?, to get the boat I developed ready for the consumer. With the Elstroms "pulling the rug out" from under AquaCraft, the release date was delayed another 90 days.

RTRs can open the door for those who might want to become involved in the racing aspect of model boating. However, a majority of those purchasing a RTR(even one that might be competitive in a recognized model boting class) are not interested in racing.

Local clubs can encourage RTR racing - even with different types of boats. There's 1000s of those 1/12 scale Buds/Llumars out there. Give the RTR owner an opportunity to get some "pond time." Something good might come from the effort.

John Equi and I developed the first ABS class rules with the "hobby shop model boater " in mind on what was seling in most shops way back then since this class has been in therulebook the Huntsville club has offered it for a couple of year sbut no entries so we quit offering it. THe class has been rewritten by Mark and is still offered in the rulebook for clubs to use but as far as I know the class has still never been run at a race. As far IMPBA waking up we have tried to do that wioth the Sport 20 Hydro rules but the members did not want to make drastic changes for this class. The tool is there it's up to the clubs to publize the class and get hobbist to join and race. Which by the way IMPBA is on it's way to a record membership year with membership over 800 now we are expecting to break 1,300 members this year. Which we haven't had since 2000 and 2001 When Florida broke away SO when we reach the 1,300 member mark we are actually doing even better since Florida is still not completely back in IMPBA.

Bill Zuber
Want a nice sport 20 that fast and handels,,get one from the guys that build them and race them. "EX". brian blazer has a really nice sport 20 and phil tomas has a real nice one also.theirs a few more out there that build and race their own product, those are the guys lookin out for the club racer, follow them would be good practis. if your goin to race!

P.S. they desighn there sport 20 ,around a 20 motor/ not a 20 motor around a 15 size boat.

"O" yea ive got a sport 20 coming out soon (blue print plans with a fiberglass cowl)ran out of time to do the hole hull out of fiberglass this year,ill have it ready by x-mass!
I don't understand the minimum hull size criteria the IMPBA ruling, on sport twenties, brought with it. Why eliminate any hulls? Could there be an addendum in the future????